Man convicted of ax attack after jurors reject his transgender medication defense – IOTW Report

Man convicted of ax attack after jurors reject his transgender medication defense

This article uses the word ‘woman’ in place of ‘man’.

FOX: An Australian woman who injured two people during a convenience store ax attack has been convicted of attempted murder after jurors reportedly rejected her argument that she was suffering from a mental episode caused by medications she was taking to transition from male to female.

Evie Amati, 26, was found guilty Friday for the unprovoked 2017 attack in Sydney and will face sentencing in September, according to the BBC.

“I really hope that [Amati] is able to have some sort of rehabilitation because ultimately that’s what justice is about,” Sharon Hacker, a victim who suffered a fractured skull in the attack, told reporters following the verdict.

On January 7 last year, Amati was captured on surveillance video walking into a 7-Eleven store carrying an ax around 2 a.m. local time.

She walked up to a man waiting in line at the cash register, later identified as Ben Rimmer, and talked to him briefly before swinging the ax at him, the BBC reported. Rimmer fell to the ground with a facial wound and fractures, while Hacker was then attacked near the door. MORE

17 Comments on Man convicted of ax attack after jurors reject his transgender medication defense

  1. let me axe you a question.
    7-11 downunder? are they run by apu’s too?

    would you like a squishie.

    dirty deeds and they’re done dirt cheap.

    please, just call me theybie.

  2. If someone walks into a business carrying an Axe…I’m not going to be

    exchanging Pleasantries …Especially if they look like Dee Snider

    from Twisted Sister…

  3. whatever the medications are that he was taking, they should be stopped while he is incarcerated. He has already acknowledged, in a court of law, that they cause him to be violent.

  4. “I really hope that [Amati] is able to have some sort of rehabilitation because ultimately that’s what justice is about,” Sharon Hacker, a victim who suffered a fractured skull.
    Yeah, Amati needs rehab like Hacker needs a hole in her head.

  5. So hormones (which don’t belong to a male) drove this guy nuts. Sure, he had some alcohol, but unless that alcohol is running through his veins 24/7 365, I’m gonna give the tie to the hormones. lol.


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