Man Dies of Cardiac Arrest After EMS Paramedics REFUSED to Enter the Building Due to California “Covid-19 Law” – IOTW Report

Man Dies of Cardiac Arrest After EMS Paramedics REFUSED to Enter the Building Due to California “Covid-19 Law”

Station Gossip: A shocking new video shows the moments EMS paramedics in Southern California refused to enter a healthcare facility to help a man who was dying of cardiac arrest because of “some Covid-19 law.”

Instead of doing their jobs, the paramedics stood outside the building and waited for the dying man to be wheeled outside to them when they responded to a 911 call last month.

Body camera footage that was obtained by Fox11 LA shows a Rialto Police Officer arriving at the Rialto Post Acute Care facility after staff had called 911 to report a man who was not breathing. As the officer arrives, two EMS paramedics are standing outside the open door and refusing to enter the building despite having masks on. 

After being told by the paramedics that they would not be going inside and the patient would have to be brought to them, the officer heads inside after hearing an unknown employee call out for help. more here

20 Comments on Man Dies of Cardiac Arrest After EMS Paramedics REFUSED to Enter the Building Due to California “Covid-19 Law”

  1. What kind of world are we living in when you don’t treat people with decency, human compassion and they are in dire need of medical assistance.
    We are truly living in a sick world.

    COVID is now officially a mental illness.

  2. You idiots…
    You would sue the paramedics?
    Let’s think about it for a minute before posting your “feelings” shall we.

    1) the paramedics didn’t write the “law” that prevents them from entering the building.

    2) they violate the “law” and they get fired.

    Who the hell is the real bad guy on this one.

  3. This is some of the most reprehensible behavior among people sworn to the preservation of life I have ever seen. Cowardice, dereliction of duty, just plain lack of human compassion…I don’t even know where to START.


    The fact that he’s 10 feet away from you on the other side of a door does NOT absolve you of your responsibility to him as your patient. I’ve cut roofs from cars, torn holes in walls, and literally walked through fire to access patients, and all YOU had to do was GO THROUGH AN OPEN DOOR INTO AN OCCUPIED STRUCTURE WHOSE OCCUPANTS WERE BEGGING YOU FOR HELP!

    And you know what? FUCK your duty under the LAW as a trained responder, WHERE IN THE HELL IS YOUR BASIC HUMANITY? I did all I could to save lives, even those I did not think would make it, because I would not have been able to live with MYSELF otherwise!

    If the law requires you to leave a man to die, the law is wrong. I could not serve a department, a city, a county, a state, a nation that would order me to leave someone to die without even allowing me to fight for his life. If you fire me, so be it, I don’t want to work for you anyway anymore. If you prosecute me, so be it, I welcome the opportunity to state my convictions and the inhumanity and the basic foolishness of your law in open court for all to judge. Under such circumstances I suspect I would have everyone in that building to witness on my side, perhaps the man’s family, perhaps he himself if the outcome were successful.

    And at the end of the day, I could, most importantly, go before my Lord with a clear conscience when I tell Him I did my best.

    That’s the most important testimony of all.

    I was taught to always, ALWAYS, err on the side of life.

    I can sit in a court facing this man’s wife, brothers, sisters, children and grandchildren, and look them in the eye without hesitation if I can tell them in all honesty I did my best for him.

    I could not stand to do the same if I did nothing, and indeed TRIED nothing.

    I don’t know how these medics csn live with themselves when they went home from this that morning.

    But there are many things about cowards I do not understand.

    Whether you are products of our times or not, you ARE humans in your own right, with your OWN souls and your OWN minds and your OWN hearts.

    I hope that mind, that soul, that heart, that humanity leads you to either do better next time, or quit and go be a politician or something else unethical like that.

    Because calling yourself a “rescuer” at this point is a bald-face lie that EVERYONE can see now, and you have brought shame to all who answer the call now and those who went before you.

    I’d be ashamed to call you my brother.

  4. @Anonymous

    You don’t really believe any of that horseshit you typed, do you?

    Plug your brain in for a minute, do you really think there is a state law that prohibits emergency personal from entering dwellings, specifically called to, to render aid? How was it that the city cop could enter and render aid, even though he is not a trained EMT, but trained EMT’s with the fire department could not enter? Does this make any sense to you?

    Did you look at the video? The California Medical Authority Services made a public statement, and in that statement they spell it out, plain and simple, that once they receive a call they CANNOT refuse service re: assessment, treatment or transport.

  5. We had 2 Paramedics in Toronto who did not belive a shot man who approached them for help even though they were dispatched for a GSW.
    They laughed at him & thought he was high or drunk.
    The Kid Died.
    They were both arrested & tried & convicted for “Failing to Provide” etc.

    No Idea on sentence though.

  6. When you have that job or others like it, you put yourself In harm’s way regardless of the harm whether it be legal or otherwise. Why in the world would you get into that line of work? Hope they spend weeks in court in the pain they will receive while trying to explain what they didn’t do.


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