Man Eaten By Piranhas – IOTW Report

Man Eaten By Piranhas

After Jumping In Lake During Bee Attack.

27 Comments on Man Eaten By Piranhas

  1. Could be worse: being held as a political prisoner in Pelosi’s jail, WITHOUT due process or human rights!

    Pelosi’s D.C. jail sounds like all the horror stories of Turkish prisons and justice.

  2. Many people make bad choices, take the untested jab, and fishing in a boat where piranhas live. Same unseen danger lurking just below the surface that just might end badly.

  3. Ok Brazil is off the travel list along with Africa and Australia.

    Everything in Brazil, Africa, and Australia can and will kill you.

    That would make for an interesting thread for Fur, which critter came closest to termination of your existence?

  4. “The man’s face and other body parts were destroyed by the firefighter who performed the rescue,”

    Damn. So if it wasn’t bees or piranhas the firefighters will finish you off…tough country.

  5. Ferd Berfle
    NOVEMBER 6, 2021 AT 12:55 PM
    “The man’s face and other body parts were destroyed by the firefighter who performed the rescue,”



  6. Ferd Berfle
    NOVEMBER 6, 2021 AT 12:55 PM
    “The man’s face and other body parts were destroyed by the firefighter who performed the rescue,”

    …this DOES make me want a li’l peek at a Brazilian Fire Training Manual, specifically the chapter on River Rescue, because U.S. training didn’t usually suggest using pointy things for, uh, “Rescues”…

  7. @SNS — Let’s look at your cannibalism question by analogy…

    Since eating a nice juicy rib eye steak doesn’t make you a vegetarian even though cattle are total herbivores, then eating a human flesh eating piranha doesn’t make you a cannibal. Pass the tartar sauce!

  8. Killer Bees, AKA Africanized Bees.

    A bad science fiction movie come true. They tried crossbreeding regular European honey bees with African honey bees in a lab. Turned out they didn’t produce as much honey and are very hostile. They escaped into the wild, and the rest is history.

    Man’s attempts to nudge nature have failed spectacularly over the years.

    What could possibly go wrong with all their plans for “climate change”? Is Gates still scheming to shade the Earth from that nasty life-giving Sun?

    I am curious what kind of rescue techniques are taught in firefighter school down there. Chainsaws and pick axes?

  9. I remember my jet ski quit on the lake and I washed up on a beach full of bikini models. Those women chased me around yelling “Take me you Adonis, marry me you super stud!”I had to abandon the jet ski and swim for my life. The hickeys and scratches from them tearing at my swim trunks was truly frightening I tell ya. Glad I made it out alive.

  10. @SNS – umm, speechless, but I will never go fishing in a river that has piranha. You just ruined 30% of my retirement. I hate you. Well, maybe not. I cannot and will not deride your service 😀


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