Man Faces 3-Year Jail Sentence in Islamic Dubai for Touching Another Man’s Hip – IOTW Report

Man Faces 3-Year Jail Sentence in Islamic Dubai for Touching Another Man’s Hip

A Scottish man holidaying in Dubai is facing up to three years in jail for allegedly putting his hand on another man’s hip to avoid spilling his drink.

Jamie Harron, 27, was arrested in July for public indecency after placing his hand on a man’s hip, the campaign group Detained in Dubai first reported.

Following his arrest, Harron was incarcerated for five days and has not been allowed to leave the country, his passport confiscated. According to Detained in Dubai, he has already spent more than £30,000 in expenses and legal fees since his detention.

“It is quite outrageous that he has been held in the country for so long already,” said Radha Stirling, chief executive of Detained in Dubai. “This is another example of how vulnerable tourists are to arrest and detention in Dubai and at how drawn out and disorganized legal proceedings are.”

The incident occurred as Harron was drinking in a crowded bar and “touched a man on his hip to avoid impact,” after which the man became aggravated. more

24 Comments on Man Faces 3-Year Jail Sentence in Islamic Dubai for Touching Another Man’s Hip

  1. @Tim;
    There is no shortage of these news stories, why would anyone think it a good idea to go where your are obviously hated.
    Reminds me of car chases when I was out west, there is at least one a day that gets broadcast live with the same outcome every time….you’d think people would learn that multiple choppers with cameras cannot be outrun.

  2. Going anywhere in the Middle East on vacation makes as much sense as smuggling yourself into North Korea.

    The stupid shall be punished.

    Sorry. If you are that unaware I can’t help you.
    You’re on your own.

  3. As far as I’m concerned, if you travel voluntarily to a muslim shithole country, you deserve whatever happens to you.

    That’s why I’ll never go back to Germany, France, or England.
    (Too soon? Or no?)

  4. I gage my travel destinations on one criteria before all others. Can I wear my gun.

    By the way, Utah and Arizona now honor any permit from any state. Even California.

  5. Deplorable B Woodman

    I respect the hell out of Mormons unless they’re trying to over throw the election. LOL. I live in an area with a lot of Mormons and they are very wholesome bunch.

  6. You can’t travel to MOST of the world.

    From Mexico on down, they can throw you in jail until you pay ransom, and the same with the arab world. Now Europe is an unlivable shithole, so you can’t go there. Russia? Why?

    What’s left is: Japan, French Indo-China, Canada, USA, Australia.

  7. When I was a kid my dad called me Utah so for 25 years that was my nickname. But.
    My wife would not call me Utah she thought it was stupid.
    I’m not calling you Utah…..pal.

  8. Had a brother in law stuck there months to pay off a hospital bill. He finally learned not to take contracts in any muzzie shithole.

    saudi arabia is just as bad if not worse.

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