Man Faces 385 Years For Allegedly Trafficking Underage Girls – IOTW Report

Man Faces 385 Years For Allegedly Trafficking Underage Girls

Breaking 911: Baltimore — Officials announced today the indictment of an alleged sex trafficker, Donte Barr.

According to the indictment, Barr is accused of trafficking several adult women and under-aged girls in March 2017. Specifically, authorities believe that Barr posted more than 500 advertisements on Backpage  soliciting sex with girls as young as 15 years old. more


16 Comments on Man Faces 385 Years For Allegedly Trafficking Underage Girls

  1. I’M SICK of hearing this ‘X’ numbers of sentenced years, the scale factors of which we will be ALL dead.

    How many years were taken away from those children?

    Get it over with NOW.


  2. First, ALL of hIs sex organs are removed. 60 days later, he is placed in a dark room with fathers, brothers, cousins. male relatives of victims.
    The lights new turned on after 30 minutes.

  3. Guy will eventually be mayor of Baltimore – just like Pelosi’s dad.
    Baltimore’s a cesspool. This guy is probably the only guy on his block with any initiative, whatsoever – the rest are sitting on the couch, and swilling MadDog while watching Orca on the TV.

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. Next time you feel bad about lynchings, remember that your typical lynching customer was little different than this animal.
    Dragging this creature from his cell and stretching his neck some wouldn’t suddenly be racist just because he’s black, it would just be the right thing to do.
    The vast majority of community-based capital punishment was 100% righteous.


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