Man Found Not Guilty of Beheading Bus Passenger Due to Mental Illness Is Set Free – IOTW Report

Man Found Not Guilty of Beheading Bus Passenger Due to Mental Illness Is Set Free

McLean’s mother, Carol de Delley, said she was against the decision because there would be no way to ensure that Baker would continue to take his medication.

Big Government: A Canadian man who was found not guilty for the beheading and cannibalizing of a Greyhound bus passenger due to mental illness has been set free.

Manitoba’s Criminal Code Review Board announced that it gave Will Baker, formerly known as Vince Li, an absolute discharge Friday, meaning he is no longer subject to any conditions or monitoring, the Associated Press reported.

The board “is of the opinion that the weight of evidence does not substantiate that Mr. Baker poses a significant threat to the safety of the public,” according to the decision.

Baker’s doctor, Jeffrey Waldman, told the board he was confident Baker would continue to take his medication and work with the treatment team.


16 Comments on Man Found Not Guilty of Beheading Bus Passenger Due to Mental Illness Is Set Free

  1. There will be no end to this shit as long as the liberals stick their heads in the sand for the sake of trying to gain favor from the last asswipes that are willing to support them.

  2. My brother has suffered from depression for 35 years. I was commenting today to my mom that one saving grace is that he has never been violent, except against a wall or two. My mom added that he also has always taken his medication regularly.
    A dear friend who I worked with 20 years ago had a brother who was manic-depressive, and he commented that his brother often went off his meds. Less than 2 months after I moved to a different job his brother stabbed him to death with a kitchen knife.
    Not sure I could ever trust a guy like this running free.

  3. The left has really sold civilization a bill of goods with the ‘get out of jail for psychiatric reasons’ card.

    Psychos Run Free needs to be the name of my next band.

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