Man Gets 2 Years in Prison for Over-harvesting Sea Cucumbers – IOTW Report

Man Gets 2 Years in Prison for Over-harvesting Sea Cucumbers

Breitbart: A judge sentenced the owner of a seafood company in Washington state to two years behind bars Friday for overharvesting $1.5 million of sea cucumbers.

The judge also ordered Hoon Namkoong, 62, to pay the government a $1.5 million fine and serve three years of supervised release for the illegal harvest.

Namkoong pleaded guilty before U.S. District Court in Seattle to underreporting 250,000 pounds of sea cucumbers purchased from various fisheries in the Puget Sound between 2014 and 2016.

Namkoong’s company, Orient Seafood Production, then sold the excess sea cucumbers to customers in the U.S. and Asia. more here

11 Comments on Man Gets 2 Years in Prison for Over-harvesting Sea Cucumbers

  1. Yeah…whatever.

    I dont profess to know much about this, but if there is a limit or rules governing the harvest and selling of sea cucumbers and he went off the scale….then he got what he deserved.

    Just try and go abalone diving…get one too small…get checked…you are in big trouble.

    The oceans could be ‘raped’ very quickly if there were no rules.

    There were no rules in the 1870’s and in 15 yrs 60 million buffalo were exterminated. The largest mass of animals known. The popular Wildebeest migrations are nothing more than a pimple on a big butt.

    I know the accused didn’t harvest them…but he made a market.

    My $.02

  2. You could never over harvest shitpickles, there are far too many of them. If he had overharvested geoducks (gooey ducks) I wonder what they would’ve done to him. And why is it that Orientals (and Andrew Zimmern from the travel channel) are generally the only ones who will eat things like sea cucumbers and other nasty sea creatures?

  3. @Hambone October 2, 2018 at 12:16 am

    > And Hillary skates for treason!

    Oh no, Mr. @Hambone! She’d lose that footgear before getting out of reach, let alone view. Hillary is carried on a litter. Atop the shoulders of the most highly paid prinxesses of the federal government. Who are pulled by a train of the most heavily armed duces (“That’s pronounced doo-kay.”) of the federal government. Who are followed by the retinue of the most highly paid journalists, scattering rose petals and hot sauce.

    Still treason. But, meh.

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