Man Gets 40 Years in Jail after Rejecting Plea That Would Have Set Him Free Immediately – IOTW Report

Man Gets 40 Years in Jail after Rejecting Plea That Would Have Set Him Free Immediately

OC; Raymond Lindsey Jr, of Montgomery County, Texas, was recently sentenced to 40 years in prison after rejecting a plea bargain that would have allowed him to go free.

Lindsey had been charged with assault on a public servant and retaliation, following an incident that occurred on January 5, 2015. Houston Police Department officers were dispatched to an apartment in Southeast Montgomery County for a possible domestic disturbance, where they encountered an aggressive Lindsey and his scared girlfriend. While they waited for the woman to pack up her belongings and leave the premises, the officers claimed that the defendant individually claimed to kill them. He then proceeded to destroy various items in the apartment, including a bird cage with a live bird inside, and when the police attempted to arrest him he assaulted one of the officers by slamming the door on his arm multiple times.  MORE

12 Comments on Man Gets 40 Years in Jail after Rejecting Plea That Would Have Set Him Free Immediately

  1. @refuse/resist…

    “He had been in prison 3 times before.”

    He probably took plea deals for his first three stints. Otherwise, he would have known not to go to trial. Lawyers and judges do not like it when people waste everybody’s time exercising their Constitutional rights. Now he can spend the next six months filing jailhouse lawsuits until he is paroled. Or pardoned by Barky.

  2. We need to bring back the rockpile and other real hard labor ‘community service’. Incarceration and recidivism rates would dive as would the expenses involved in housing these idiot loafers.

  3. The rockpile wouldn’t stop a lot of people, they’re just too stupid and they acclimate very well to most situations of adversity. I think maybe they see it as their lot in life.

  4. “I think he needs another set of eyes and ears to look at what I’ve looked at.” So says his attorney.

    Nope. Other eyes and ears got the picture. Your client went to jail. Deal with it.

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