Man guilty of leaving car idling in driveway fined $128 – IOTW Report

Man guilty of leaving car idling in driveway fined $128

USA Today: ROSEVILLE, Mich. — A man who fought a $128 ticket for leaving his car running was on the losing end of a court case earlier this week and may appeal the ruling.

Taylor Trupiano, 24, who lives in this suburb about 20 miles north of Detroit, was warming up his car in his driveway Jan. 5 when he ran inside to get his girlfriend and her 2-year-old son. That 10 minutes or so was enough time for a Roseville officer to issue him a citation because he was in violation of a state law intended to hamper car theft.  more here

19 Comments on Man guilty of leaving car idling in driveway fined $128

  1. Modern fuel injected vehicles do not require warming up. In fact allowing the vehicle to idle with such a rich mixture wastes gasoline and slowly destroys valves, catalytic converters, oxygen sensors, etc. The vehicle will warm up quicker and more efficiently by simply driving it gently until it reaches full operating temperature. Also, warming up the engine does nothing to warm up the transmission.

  2. old_oaks – You are correct, however this is about what we are allowed to do with our own property on our own property. Also Modern fuel injected vehicles, once they reach a temperature threshold, go closed loop and do not burn rich. I know most people will warm their cars up in the winter time, many of them remotely. The police should not intrude on people’s lives like that. What if he was fixing the car and needed to run it? Is that against the law too? If people are stealing cars, don’t blame the victim. If that’s the road they are going down, then where does it stop?

  3. What’s the connection to President Trump?
    Oh yea…
    “Knock out two regulations for every new regulation passed”
    Making Winter cozy and warm again. Coal fired even.
    My heater works best when hot coolant flows through its core.

  4. So this is “public enemy number one”, and the full force of the judicial and police force, punishes this guy for wanting his frozen car interior warmed up a tad, so that his family would be comfortable.., meanwhile, crack and meth heads run free on the streets and robbing innocents.. SMH

  5. TRF, I agree, we don’t need the government to interfere with what we do with our personal possessions. I look at vehicles as being an over priced (due to government regulations) necessity and do my best to care for them.

    Regarding remote starters. Vehicles equipped with them will also tell you in the owners manual to not idle the vehicle after a cold start. My truck has the option, but the manual says to drive the vehicle 10 seconds after starting, it takes me longer than that to put on my coat! Essentially, the manufacturers tell you not to idle the car, but they give you a tool to do so. It’s called planned obsolescence, a means by which to sell more cars!

  6. Government knows best. They are there to force you to comply with all laws for your own good and safety. /s

    Unless you breach national security, obstruct justice, are inept and get US citizen diplomats killed and award $Billion dollar contracts to your friends and contributors.
    It’s all about priorities.

  7. My fuel injected Nissan is 27 years old and has over 200k miles on it.* I not only idled it to warm up the interior in frigid Colorado, but idled it for hours to keep from freezing many many times. The key to long life is changing the oil regularly. And what about truckers who idle their trucks all night? Eff the damn gov’t. Stay out of my life.
    *knock on wood

  8. Yeah, “so no one steals it”, let us steal the $128.00, just a freaking reminder of who’s in charge here.
    Your car gets jacked and the DA won’t have time for the case if they find who did it.
    Pass experience

  9. What R_C said. If I leave it idling, it’s to warm up the interior and get the ice off the windshield.

    Last time I idled a car was in Wisconsin in the early 70s. Really loved having a VW back then. Very cool having a spare engine in the trunk too…

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