Man Has a Reason For Possessing Illegal Imagery – IOTW Report

Man Has a Reason For Possessing Illegal Imagery

Man jailed for possessing Bart Simpson porn

A man who possessed cartoons showing TV character Bart Simpson performing sexual acts has been jailed at Carlisle Crown Court.Andrew Smith, 55, was found guilty after a trial of nine charges alleging he was in possession of prohibited images of children. All of the images were drawings.At the trial, Smith had said he had a reason for having the files as he wished to campaign for sexual relations between pre-pubescent children and adults to be legalised.
Oh, well everyone stands corrected.
See what the outcome of his trial was HERE

10 Comments on Man Has a Reason For Possessing Illegal Imagery

  1. This issue of cartoon kiddie porn will go to SCOTUS, and it’s likely to be made legal.

    And anyone who thinks a child can competently consent to sex is a rapist and should be killed publicly and painfully to send the message to the rest of the evil perverts that we’ve had enough of their fucking demented, sadistic bullshit.

  2. “…he wished to campaign for sexual relations between pre-pubescent children and adults to be legalised.”

    And he was stupid enough to ADMIT it.
    And ditto SgtZim.

  3. I have no sympathy for pedophiles, or alot of other assorted perverts for that matter, but what the fuck is going on? Will Rembrandt’s “The Rape of Ganymede” be considered kiddie porn by the Philistines?

    Drawings of Bart Simpson? Jeez.

  4. thanks for the continued moral decline, dumbasses and supporters of legal drugs and homo marriage, is it really that hard to figure out ?

  5. …And they said that marriage is an evolving paradigm! That was the legal reasoning from the Supreme Judicial Court of Massachusetts for legalizing “Gay” Marriage. This is evidence that legal reasoning will produce more horrible behavior that will destroy society. The homosexuals and liberals will say that is a lie but it is they who are lying. Just wait, Justice Kennedy will reason that outlawing childsex is another form of discrimination!

    How I hate Bush 41!

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