Man Hijacks School Bus Full of Children, Gets Frustrated And Lets Everyone Go Because The Kids Won’t Stop Asking Him Questions – IOTW Report

Man Hijacks School Bus Full of Children, Gets Frustrated And Lets Everyone Go Because The Kids Won’t Stop Asking Him Questions

Not The Bee:

I’m sure we’ve all been in a situation where a young kid wouldn’t stop asking us questions and we just wanted to get away. Well, one man in South Carolina appears to have learned that lesson the hard way.

Earlier this month in Columbia, South Carolina a man hijacked a school bus filled with children and tried to get the driver to take him home to the next town over. The man was an army trainee and was wielding a rifle when he hopped on the bus and began to threaten the driver. But, according to the heroic bus driver Kenneth Corbin, the hijacker became frustrated and gave up his attempt when the kids on the bus would not stop asking him questions. more

10 Comments on Man Hijacks School Bus Full of Children, Gets Frustrated And Lets Everyone Go Because The Kids Won’t Stop Asking Him Questions

  1. I figured it had to be an elementary school bus. The driver could have also encouraged the kids to sing the “Chicken Song” or recite their times tables. He definitely didn’t want them playing the “quiet game”


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