Man Kills A Woman After Mistaking Her For A Deer – IOTW Report

Man Kills A Woman After Mistaking Her For A Deer

Daily Caller: A hunter killed a woman walking her dogs earlier this week after he mistook her for a deer, according to authorities.

The hunter, 31-year-old Thomas Jadlowski, fatally shot Rosemary Billquist in her hip with his pistol Wednesday after believing he saw a deer, Newsweek reported Friday.

Jadlowski realized he hadn’t shot a deer after hearing Billquist scream and ran over to her to try and save her. Despite his best efforts at trying to stop the blood in her hip wound, Billquist died at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center.

“This is a horrific incident,” Sheriff Joe Gerace said. “This destroyed two lives.”

Jadlowski has yet to be charged in the shooting and is working with investigators as they look into the situation. He  may have violated a New York law that forbids hunting after sunset, since the fatal shooting reportedly happened at 5:24 p.m, according to authorities.  read more

34 Comments on Man Kills A Woman After Mistaking Her For A Deer

  1. Hey, it happens ……. remember those 90-some-odd people associated with the Clintons who died in mysterious circumstances?

    Just accidents – that’s all – mistaken for deer … or whatnot ……

    And them three young Chicago fags that Obama had dealings with? Accidental deaths – all.

    It happens! Hell, my first wife ……. uhh ……..

  2. Jadlowski has yet to be charged in the shooting… He may have violated a New York law that forbids hunting after sunset…[the victim was] shot while on their neighbor’s land and Jadlowski did not have the neighbor’s permission to be hunting on his land. The sheriff’s office, the state’s Department of Environmental Conservation and the District Attorneys office are all collaborating to see if any charges should be pursued.

    “…to see if any charges could be pursued.” Words fail me.

  3. He thought….he saw….a deer….. There is no cure for nor defense against stupidity.
    The mill wheels of hell may turn slow, but they grind exceedingly fine, and this dude will be bug dust in due time.

  4. Completely reckless idiotic moron. I have never even heard of anyone trying to hunt a deer with a pistol.
    This guy is a danger to society and should be locked up me immediately. if he was shooting after dark, he is guilty of murder!

  5. I’m not a hunter, but there was this enormous buck with a huge rack in my front yard last week. I still wouldn’t have shot it because there is a house a quarter mile behind it.

    Besides the fact, he was a beauty. If I was starving. Yep. But what a magnificent animal he was.

  6. If I even have to say it, you’re an idiot hunter

    1. Get permission to hunt on someone’s land.
    2. Don’t hunt when it’s dark.
    3. Identify your target.
    4. Identify PAST your target.
    5. Accuracy with a pistol is at best 35 yards, maybe 50.
    6. Shoot for the heart or head. A woman shot at hip level means you were aiming too low.
    7. Four legged animals’ shape is horizontal, 2 legs is vertical. How could you get this wrong?
    8. Don’t hunt with a pistol.

    Let me guess?
    He didn’t have a toe tag either?
    He didn’t have a hunting license.
    He didn’t know how to stop the bleeding.
    He didn’t have a 1st Aid Kit like all good hunters have.
    He didn’t have a cell phone to call for help.
    He didn’t know exactly where he was to assist 911.
    He was drinking.
    His gun wasn’t registered.
    He was not allowed to own a firearm.

    When dealing with an idiot, there is always more stupidity to be uncovered.

  7. beautiful tune

    “polly von”
    I shall tell of a hunter whose life was undone
    By the cruel hand of evil at the setting of the sun
    His arrow was loosed and it flew through the dark,
    And his true love was slain as the shaft found its mark.

    Shed her apron wrapped about her and he took her for a swan
    But its oh and alas it was she, polly von

  8. He deserves jail time if only as a warning to other assholes or mental deficients who hunt deer with a pistol (even a powerful one) and after dark for pete’s sake!. My God, the litany of mistakes this idiot committed deserves 3 to 5 in a federal prison and thats only because he realized what he had done and tried his best to help.

  9. Another article I saw on this said the guy, after hearing her screams, ran 200 yards out to try and help her. 200 yards? Even if it was 200 feet that is too far to shoot a pistol trying to make a kill shot on a deer. The article also said it was a single shot pistol, I know they have them, but wtf, does he think he is Annie Oakly or something.

  10. This story does sound suspicious. I would like to know if the husband had a life insurance policy on her, and other details whether the shooter interacted with anyone she knew.

  11. Besides there being rules for hunters, there are some common sense rules for people who walk in the woods during hunting season.
    Always wear some hunter orange. Always. Not doing so is dumb.

    Always put some hunter orange on your pets. Like my aunt and uncle always did; put hunter orange on your horses or post signs around the area your horses and cows are.

  12. People like this give responsible firearms owners a bad name. “This is a horrific incident,” Sheriff Joe Gerace said. “ No, this is a terrible act of stupidity. He violated just about every rule of gun safety.

    1 All guns are always loaded. (Treat them so!)
    2 Never point the gun at anything you are not willing to destroy.
    3 Keep your finger off the trigger until your sights are on target (and you have made the decision to shoot).
    4 Be sure of your target and what is beyond it.

    We had a similar incident here in my town about 10 years ago. A fella was walking his dog on a power line near his parents home on a Sunday morning. Someone “hunting” shot and killed him. Hunting is not allowed on Sunday here.

  13. “Who hunts deer with a pistol?”

    It’s not uncommon to hunt deer with a revolver in the west. There’re pretty handy for brushy terrain. I have a 629 Smith I’m comfortable out to 100 yards with from a rest. TC manufacturers hunting pistols. If you can hunt deer with a bow why not a pistol? I hear it’s pretty popular in some area in Texas.

    As far as this story, he deserves to be locked up for being really stupid or a murderer, one or the other. As a hunter his target was his
    responsibility. Stinking road hunter anyway, lock him up.

  14. A farmer was tied of idiot hunters shooting up his livestock, so he got some green and yellow paint, painted each animal dark green and wrote what it was in bold yellow letters; COW, HORSE, PIG, DOG, etc. First day of deer season, and sure enough, somebody shot his tractor.

  15. I killed a deer with my Ruger P90 .45 cal. pistol. It’s legal in Texas to hunt with pistols as long as they meet the requirements for caliber and energy. There are pistols made to shoot .30-30 caliber and .45-70. This guy is just an idiot for not positively identifying his target.

  16. terrible incident. but dude why are you shooting at something *you think* is a deer? Esp after dark. Call it a day before the sun goes down and shoot at a deer. That noise usually is a rabbit or a squirrel, and not a bear or coyote or mountain lion.

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