Man Nominated by University of Pennsylvania for NCAA ‘Woman of the Year’ Award – IOTW Report

Man Nominated by University of Pennsylvania for NCAA ‘Woman of the Year’ Award


The University of Pennsylvania nominated swimmer Lia Thomas for the NCAA “Woman of the Year” award.

According to an announcement from the NCAA, the University of Pennsylvania nominated the transgender athlete for the award, which recognizes female student-athletes.

“Established in 1991, the award recognizes female student-athletes who have exhausted their eligibility and distinguished themselves in their community, in athletics and in academics throughout their college careers,” the NCAA nomination page reads.

NCAA member schools “are encouraged to celebrate their top graduating female student-athletes by nominating them for the NCAA Woman of the Year Award,” the announcement reads. more here

30 Comments on Man Nominated by University of Pennsylvania for NCAA ‘Woman of the Year’ Award

  1. Why don’t the trannies have their leagues with their own teams? With appropriate names; Washington Weirdos, Texas Trannies, Pittsburg Plumbing Changers, Baltimore’s Balless Boys ….;

  2. Not at all surprised by this, and expect to see more moonbat crap from the universities. It’s all they got left, ’cause they sure as hell aren’t teaching the majority of their students to survive in the real world on their own. And to think we and their parents are paying through the nose to program their little Marxist wannabes, while the STEM seats go to all the student visa holders.

  3. Another award made meaningless by the woke.
    First, the Nobel peace Prize, then the Oscars, then NFL,and now NCAA sports.

    Listen up, the science is settled…. Men have penises and Woman do not. Its a XY, XX thing. XXY is a anomaly AND look, it still involves only X’s & Y’s, theres only 2 sexes no more.
    The most a “tranny woman” can ever be is a “tranny woman”!

    The Most William Thomas can ever be is a pretend “tranny woman”
    And while you have a right to pretend I chose the right not to pretend.

  4. When this THING gets up on stage to accept the award, 3-4 brave students need to run up on stage, rip off the bottom half of IT’S clothing, then yell out THIS IS NOT, NEVER HAS BEEN AND NEVER WILL BE A WOMAN!!!, while holding it center stage for all to see.

  5. Well, what is its major and its GPA to be nominated over many other gals that were in other sports at the school, be good to know that,because it is a fraud they want every one to accept as the new normal.
    I wonder if President Trump still supports the Wharton school of business which is part of U of Pennsylvania.

  6. School(s) promoting this nonsense need to have their program accreditations revoked. Colleges should be about real life, leaving the “let’s pretend” to the grade schools and the drama departments.

  7. Safety Tip: The loonies have escaped the Maxim Nut Asylum: What ever you don’t vote them into any office, they are planning to take over the world and have a good start on the normals. Bolt your doors and turn the cable off.

  8. I think the real reason these people don’t have the operation to switch the equipment is because they enjoy dick-slapping society with absurdity and getting away with it too much!

  9. This troon’s older brother, Wes Thomas, was a swimmimg champion for UPenn. Wes Thomas broke swimming records for UPenn. Little brother, William, could not measure up to big bro and had to put on a woman’s swimsuit and swim against the women to win. Lia Thomas is a man. Lia Thomas is a cheater.


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