Man Or Not? – IOTW Report

Man Or Not?

Michelle Obama’s Changing Sexual Identity.

American Thinker:
By Joel Gilbert

In promoting my new film and accompanying book, Michelle Obama 2024: Her Real Life Story and Plan for Power, I am asked one question far more often than any other. Is Michelle Obama a dude? In fact, it’s everywhere! Here is a sample of reader comments from Jack Cashill’s recent review of my film in WND:

Big Mike’s born-with XY chromosomes

Michelle Obama IS NOT A WOMAN but a Man in Drag

Blatantly obvious Trannie

A drag queen President? Are you kidding?

Michael LaVaugtin Robinson, he still has his man parts

In my research on Barack and Michelle Obama, an exercise the major media have avoided, I find myself having to deal with this rumor as well as those about Barack’s sexual orientation. In 2014, comedienne Joan Rivers fueled both rumors in responding to a TMZ reporter who innocently asked her whether the U.S. would ever elect a gay president.

“We already have it with Obama, so let’s just calm down,” said Rivers, before adding, “You know Michelle is a tranny.” When asked to clarify her shocking remark, she articulated slowly, “A trans-gen-der. We all know.” River’s comments quickly fueled social media postings of photos depicting Michelle as a man, and close-up slow-motion videos of her dancing on The Ellen DeGeneres Show purporting to show something suspicious in her pants. Less than two months later, Rivers died as a result of what was supposed to be a minor throat procedure. Needless to say, her death cranked up the rumor mill, which quickly produced “Michelle and Barack are homosexual men with adopted children” and “Michelle Robinson was once a college football linebacker for the Colorado Buffalos”. At the time, I thought it was all mean-spirited nonsense, perhaps out of frustration over Michelle Obama’s America bashing politics.

Having recently obtained official documents from the state of Illinois, here is what I can say with assurance: I found proof in official documents that Michelle Obama registered to vote as a man in 1994. I also have official proof that, after 14 years of voting as a man, Michelle Obama changed her sex in 2008 from male to female. This is not more social media silliness, this is fact. I obtained the documents from the Illinois State Board of Elections only last week. Here is Michelle Obama’s official voter registration card from 1994 when she registered to vote as a man. The letter M is circled under Sex.

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33 Comments on Man Or Not?

  1. Cut to the chase:

    “The answer is emphatically no! Michelle was born female. Her voter registration as a male was likely a clerical error of some sort…”

    Sort of like Barky’s Birth Certificate. Lots of crucial “errors” with these two, but whatever, Joel. I just want to be done with both of these shape-shifters before I die.

  2. Jack Cashill is doing damage control. I will wager he is getting paid under the table by the Obama’s.
    Barack is a Homo married to a transgender. Prove me wrong. Start with physical evidence of Big Mike.

  3. Ask yourself, in your entire life of filling out forms asking your sex, did you ever once, even remotely close, maybe put a half circle, let alone a full circle, around a letter wrongly representing your sex? And if you did accidently do such a thing, did you leave the wrong letter circled without attempting to correct it?

    I doubt it.

  4. Like I’ve been saying all along, no self respecting tranny orders “A“ cups. There are plenty of unattractive, classless, women in the world. Very few of them are fêted as she is. She just hit the jackpot, when she was chosen for the Chicago Down-Low scene.
    I suspect that the frontal bulge was a panty liner, or maxi pad, that went awry.
    What makes her unattractive, as far as I’m concerned, is her lack of graciousness toward the American public and her entitled, elitist attitude.

  5. Yeah, oopsie doodle, just a clerical era, for 14 frigging years.

    A little blip Mike corrected coincidentally just before his faggot husband ran for Prezzy…

    Does this douche even read the tripe he’s writing? She’s not a he cause it’s not in a bio?

    Manchelle has a penis. End of story. swinging it like King Kong on Ellen…

    As the Pedo would say, c’mon man.

  6. Leftists can’t tell you what a woman is, so WGAF what they have to say any longer.
    It is most safe to say that Michael Robinson is not a woman, whatever the hell else he/it is.

    Mooch and Squirrel both suck. Penises, that is.

  7. I predict Michelle will become the second unelected President in a row, well before 2024, finishing out her husband’s third term.

    Kamala should be very nervous right now. No one likes her. She is in the way.

    There is likely some support for Hillary being rewarded with the position of unelected President with Michelle as unelected VP. Pres. Hillary might not make it to 2024 either.

    The cleanest scenario for the Dems is for Kamala to resign or conveniently die. They would them install their preferred unelected VP, soon to become President.

  8. “Michael Obama 2024: His Real Life Story and Plan for Power”

    There. Fixed it for ya. Yer welcome.

  9. As women go — if Michelle is one — she trends towards a more masculine body type and posture. I know gals who seem a little more masculine than feminine, but they are thoroughly women; they’re either more muscular and athletic, have deeper voices and aren’t overly fussy about their appearance.

    I don’t care what Obama is on the outside. On the inside she is an ungrateful person who betrayed the country that made all her “success” possible. How any black person in her position can possibly denigrate the US as mostly racist… it takes a special kind of poverty of the soul to pull that off.

  10. I give 100$ bill to see what is between the legs
    of that beast. You know there is at least 1 doctor
    out there that knows the truth…..

  11. It has been a known fact for years that Big Mike is just that, Big Mike. Does anybody else not find it odd that there have never been any pictures showing the 2 daughters with “mom” after their birth? Politicians typically always have photos in the hospital after their children are born when running for office. Why no pictures with Barky & Mike with their girls? Adopted, that’s why. Because, contradicting the democrats narrative, MEN CANNOT GET PREGNANT!!!!

  12. Big Mike – a female with male “parts” and extra testosterone. No way she could be fertile enough to bare children.
    She’s similar to Brittney Griner, who BTW has a large Adam’s apple. Both of these angry, bitter, hypocritical, resentful rejects found a home in the Demwit camp.


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