Man pays for surgery for his constipated goldfish – IOTW Report

Man pays for surgery for his constipated goldfish


A man was so fond of his constipated goldfish that he paid a vet £300 to operate and ease its suffering. Vet Faye Bethell used tiny instruments to remove one lump close to the fish’s anus, and another from its dorsal fin. The fish-lover had taken the sick, three-inch pet for a consultation at Toll Barn Veterinary Centre in North Walsham, Norfolk, according to Miss Bethell, 29.

At first he had baulked at the price quoted for the treatment and went away. But he had returned five minutes later and asked for it to go ahead. Goldfish can live up to 10 years. The ailing fish, which has made a full recovery, was two years and 10 months old at the time of its operation. The delicate procedure, which lasted about 50 minutes, involved introducing a carefully-measured anaesthetising agent into the fish’s water.
As it lost its balance, it was removed from its tank and placed on a waterproof drape. The anaesthetic water was then introduced into its mouth via a tube and bubbled over its gills, through which it breathes. Using a miniature heart-rate monitor, more

29 Comments on Man pays for surgery for his constipated goldfish

  1. He paid three hundred pounds ?!? That’s over $450!
    Overpaid vet. Hell, I could’ve cure the fish for half :
    1 Put the fish in a bigger tank (to get my hand in, under him)
    2 Saturate the water with prune juice and wait an hour
    3 Gently ‘milk’ the fish from fore to aft until obstruction passes
    Voila !

  2. Personally if he paid for it, then what’s the problem. We can get very attached to our pets of any kind. I know that for a fact, just losing my little buddy spike this morning after 17 years, you just never know until you are in the same situation.

  3. I’m trying, I’m trying – but it isn’t easy to think of this as a “heart-warming pet story” when the pet is cold-blooded.

    Norman and Billy and Greg – I’m with you guys. While I wouldn’t pursue happiness this way, that’s exactly what this fellow did, and that is unarguably his right. Plus, not only did he get treatment for his pet fish for his money, he got one heckuva story to tell for years to come!

  4. His money, his choice folks, more power to him. I must say though, that 300 pounds seems a little steep although the cost of living over there is pretty damn steep so maybe it’s in line with his time.

  5. When he was 3y/o, my brother stuck a little button from his collar up his nose. Mom panicked and rushed him to Dad’s restaurant, pleading that he neede to take him to the hospital.

    My Dad, calm and practical as he was, sat my brother on the butcher block table, gave him a dinner plate to hold, and got his big square can of black pepper.

    A few shakes of pepper in front of my brother’s face, and problem solved !

  6. Could be the only thread holding his sanity together in the middle of that big jihadi circus over there. Otherwise, I’d say just flush it or give it to the cat.
    College kids used to swallow them for fun when they were running low on jokes.

  7. In a land of socialized medicine, how come vet-care isn’t socialized, too?

    I smell RAY-CYSM!

    Only humans can be abused by government? That’s just wrong, man … just wrong!

  8. @Greg, so sorry for your loss.
    I’m sure he gave you many fond memories over those seventeen years.
    That’s a pretty good run.

    @Joey Biden, that was neither a walnut nor your brain.
    It fell out of the dog’s rear end.

  9. @ Greg

    Sorry for your loss. Even though I only had a dog for a year (raised him to become a Leader Dog for the Blind), I can only imagine how attached a person can become to their pet. I had turtles when I was a kid and some hung out with me for years before they got too big and had to be put into the wild.

    Even though animals have no souls, sometimes I think they do, and hope they rest in peace in pet heaven.

  10. Oh, and re the subject at hand – I probably wouldn’t get that attached to a goldfish, but if he was, and he paid for the surgery, then more power to him. I can’t count the amount of money we’ve spent on our dogs. We do it because we love them and they are members of our family. And Plain Jane – I believe dogs have souls. Maybe not like ours, but you only have to live with them to know that there is a lot going on behind those eyes. They are just another part of God’s perfect creation.

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