Man Receives 6 Month Prison Sentence For Eating Cookie Without Permission – IOTW Report

Man Receives 6 Month Prison Sentence For Eating Cookie Without Permission

KFI: A San Francisco man was sentenced to six months in jail all because he ate a cookie without permissionGregory Fields, 42, had been enrolled in a residential drug rehabilitation program at the Salvation Army Harbor Light Center since 2017 while he was on probation for a vandalism charge.

The intensive program involves a 30-day detox and a 30-day blackout period, in which people are not allowed to contact anybody in the outside world, including members of their family. Fields completed both phases of the program and continued to attend meetings at the Harbor Light Center.

Everything was going fine until he decided to eat a leftover cookie while the organization was making lunches for homeless people. When staff members at Harbor Light Center learned what he did, they asked him to leave the program. read more

22 Comments on Man Receives 6 Month Prison Sentence For Eating Cookie Without Permission

  1. It’s illegal to “steal” trash from the House of Representatives.
    The House PAYS to have the trash hauled away, but it’s illegal to steal it, which, stealing it should lessen the cost.
    But there it is.

    I remember a guy being FIRED for taking empty paint buckets (the buckets paint comes in) home.
    No shit.
    Another guy (connected) stole 55 gals. of R-12 and NOBODY SAID ANYTHING!
    Another guy took some thrown-away sheet metal scraps (gal. steel – not copper or lead) and the Capitol Police carried him down to the 5th District Judge!

    So, yeah, I can see a guy getting 6 months for a stolen cookie.

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. If he knew the rules and broke them, tough shit.
    The story doesn’t go into his behavior in any detail.
    What surprises me is why he was in any kind of lockup
    considering the 20,000 bums rush takeover of SF.
    Something’s missing here.

  3. Kinda strict, but if the deal is you are not allowed to eat or alter what you’re providing for others, AND you’re on probation??? How about you don’t eat the cookie. It’s so simple but it shows a real lack of self control.
    Should have just re-run the 30 days and left clean.

  4. I was about to care but when it turns out the guy going to jail for eating a cookie is a G-d@mn junkie going through rehab he should be thankful he is alive.

    We all have issues and no one is perfect but I would like to see a law where drug users can be summarily executed. Like I said- I acknowledge I have issues- but as the left says ‘if one child can be saved by such a policy’… But in this case tens of thousands of children would be saved.

  5. I worked for the SA for 4 years in SF not at this program, but another one. The SA does not mess around. It does sound harsh, but my guess is that this is not his first infraction. The SA keeps very good notes about behavior problems. The rules are very clear, and taking food is a big no no. The thing is that the guys that make it through the program get their lives together and are not the ones pooping on the streets. I work in this drug rehab world and people are trying, but the government is also enabling them at the same time. We the programs to be more like SA and less maby pamby. In one program I consult for they do not want us to use the term addict. I have explained to them that being changing the term is not going to help. People are stupid. I should to a long rant about what I have seen. There are good things and bad things. However the bad right now out weigh the good that is trying to be done.

  6. I work with a lot of recovering addicts through church. You cannot, under any circumstance let them bend the rules. That’s how they got in the condition they’re in. It sounds harsh, but no exceptions. And, as TNRWC says it’s likely not his first problem.


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