A masked man attempted to burn down three Tesla charging stations in Charleston, South Carolina but set himself on fire in the process. The Trump-hating criminal also spray painted an expletive directed at the president and then wrote “LONG LIVE UKRAINE.”
According to the Post and Courier, a masked man in Charleston, South Carolina spray painted “(expletive) TRUMP LONG LIVE UKRAINE” near a number of Tesla charging stations and then attempted to burn the charging stations, only to set himself on fire in the process. Witnesses saw him flee the scene and run behind nearby hotels. He has not yet been identified.
He hurled Molotov cocktails at the charging ports, which are located near 4855 Tanger Outlet Blvd. The damage he caused to the charging stations was estimated at $60,000. Witnesses began to dial 911, however, the man fled, running past a Zaxby’s location as he went in the direction of a hotel nearby. more
Burny Sanders supporter?
This is how arson SHOULD end.
With the arsonist fried by his own accellerant, suffering long and painful rounds of mechanical debriding, and ultimately succumbing to a hopefully very painful opportunistic infection, although drowning in his own fluids from self-seared lungs or anoxia caused by edema in his mouth and throat from inhaling burning gasoline works too.
As would his arms and legs being burnt down to flippers or his flesh flame-seared into painfully contractive tissues that render his joints inoperable and permanantly claw his hands.
Either way, he should go painfully to hell by his own hand and his own arson and then let the TRUE burning begin.
While all his property is taken and given to his victims, leaving his family to curse his memory as they are turned out on the streets.
Fuck arsonists.
There isnt a corner of hell for them half as hot as they deserve.
More firebug idiots.
…and still more idiots…
…of course, what makes THIS extra funny is that a LOT of Teslas were bought in prior years by virtue-signalling Democrats, so its very likely their property is being attacked by their own kind ..
Remember the Dean Martin roasts? These new ones are funnier! And certainly more poetic!
Different Tim,
First comment I read this morning, Burny Sanders. I’m sitting here laughing my ass off. Thanks Buddy
Sure looks like home grown democrat terrorists again.
The violent felon across the street {gone now} set my neighbors garage on fire. It almost came into the house when the elderly couple were sleeping.Offier Conners of the La Marque PD saw the fire and rushed to get the old people out.Enrique’s restored 57 2 door chevy was burnt to a crisp. RADIOMAN did a full factory restoration of the vacuum tube AM radio in that car.The fire chief & police chief knew “BIG MALE” did it but could not prove it. You can see what I wen tthru for 7 years on youtube. JOREL LAZER channel.
however, the man fled, running past a Zaxby’s location as he went in the direction of a hotel.
Any bets he’s a paid protestor??
True story – a number of years ago we had a doctor (of what I don’t know) who had a house for an office with his shingle on it: Dr Burnem. The house caught fire an was destroyed. From then on we called Dr Burnem Down.
If there was a leftwing version of The Fantastic Four this idiot would be known as the human scorch.
As a Christian, these people make it VERY hard to love them.
Almost makes me wish they go to hell immediately and prevent them from getting saved.
Geoff – I recall a song…
Oh yes, they call him the Scorch
(Boogity, boogity)
Fastest thing with a torch
(Boogity, boogity)
He’s burnin’ for Elon, so…
Elon Musk sure has been turned into the latest Boogie Man, Whipping Boy, Scapegoat and target to blame for all of their own “incompetence” (read larceny and treachery) hasn’t he?
It’s one of the few things the Left really excels at: Finger-pointing, whining and belly-aching!
… and generating Crises.
In fact why not just call them the Crisis Generation!
Rats. I was hoping to hear that he was running like Denethor in “LOTR: Return of the King”; a flaming torch running to fall off the edge of the platform to his death.
Harry: When I was a kid, we had a restaurant in our neighborhood named “Fireside Inn”. When it burned down, my witty older brother called it the “Fire inside”.
Friday, 14 March 2025, 9:39 at 9:39 am
“Rats. I was hoping to hear that he was running like Denethor in “LOTR: Return of the King”; a flaming torch running to fall off the edge of the platform to his death.”
…I liked those movies a LOT, but Denethor had to run really, REALLY far, and not in a straight line either…
“Without getting overly gushy, The Lord of the Rings is an undeniably exceptional trilogy of films.
The less said about The Hobbit the better, but Peter Jackson’s original works in Middle-Earth are without a doubt one of the greatest achievements in the history of cinema. They are a triumph of movie-making that seem near-impossible to outperform. If we see a fantasy movie series to rival The Lord of the Rings in our lifetimes, we at FinalBoss will feel both blessed and shocked.
But with all that said, the Lord of The Rings movies are not without their imperfections.
While it’s easy to get caught up in Frodo’s turmoil, Aragorn’s ascent to the throne of Gondor, and Sam’s struggle to educate Gollum on the glorious gift from the heavens that is the potato, there are definitely some plot holes and inexplicable occurrences in this trilogy of films that can be quite hard to ignore when watching.
Knit-picking is a nasty business, but so is delivering a cursed ring to the heart of an active volcano, so if it’s good enough for Master Frodo, it’s good enough for us.
Here are nine Lord of the Rings plots holes of power that keep the team at FinalBoss up at night:
Why Does Gandalf Question His Name?
Merry & Pippin find Gandalf
After Gandalf somewhat bizarrely fucks around with Aragon, Legolas and Gimli – pretending to be Saruman through the process of voice-augmentation – he reveals his new contemporary design of the White Wizard. Aragorn, startled and dumbstruck, approaches and addresses him by his old name, Gandalf.
Gandalf looks bemused, and comments on how that used to be his name. Gandalf, the Grey. Now though, he’s Gandalf the White.
Great moment.
Except for the fact that while he seems wistful now, remembering his former life, surely Pippin and Merry also called him Gandalf when they met him the day before yesterday? Wouldn’t that have been the moment he remembered his old name and history, rather than being reminded by Aragorn?
How Fucking Far Did Denethor Run?
So passes Denethor, son of Ecthelion. This is a powerful scene in which we see Denethor perish in a blaze of fire, falling off the pinnacle of Minas Tirith into the battle beneath. It’s stunning and cinematic, but it’s also absolutely impossible.
The man was set alight in the crypts of the white city, ran all the way out, around the courtyard and down to the end of the rocky outcropping. Our very basic research suggests this is around a kilometre or more.
Honestly, we’d doubt the ageing Steward’s ability to run that far on a good day after a high-protein breakfast and a warm-up, let alone while shrouded in enough fire to heat the Golden Hall of Rohan.”
…so, cool scene, but while Ive seen people tear their fingers to bone trying to claw through concrete basement walls, Ive never seen a thing like this happen, or even close.
Besides, physiologically, breathing flames cuts your wind pretty fast. You cant breathe through a fire-swollen mouth or throat, so youd actually collapse pretty quick. Not to mention that the burns are sapping your plasma so youre headed for hypovolemic shock AND Denethor wasnt a young guy to start with PLUS the books tell us he lived and slept in his armor, so cool scene, but no…
Burn baby Burn.
He should have been electrocuted but either way, justice is served!