Man Severely Injured In Hunting Accident Gets Face Transplant – IOTW Report

Man Severely Injured In Hunting Accident Gets Face Transplant

TechTimes: A team of over 100 health professionals performed a successful face transplant on a 64-year old man who was involved in a hunting accident several years ago.

The man is the oldest face transplant recipient in the world, and his surgery was also the first of its kind in Canada.

Accidental Gunshot

It was seven years ago when the patient was involved in a hunting incident involving an accidental gunshot that left his face severely disfigured. Even after five reconstructive surgeries, he remained living in constant, excruciating pain, was forced to wear a tracheostomy, and constantly had sleeping, breathing, eating, and speaking problems. Social interactions also proved to be more challenging, so the man described as a natural extrovert began choosing to stay indoors and isolated instead.

His doctors believed that a face transplant was the only option to successfully restore his teeth, two jaws, nose, facial muscles, nose, and lips, and his hope for another shot at a normal life as well. – more

17 Comments on Man Severely Injured In Hunting Accident Gets Face Transplant

  1. Amazing story. Certainly puts things in perspective too. I don’t see a link to the tech times story here (unless I’m just missing it somehow).

    “Now, the man is said to be recovering quite well. He has already fully recovered and is now able to breathe properly, smell with his new nose, chew with his new jaws, and speak with his new lips.”


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