Man Wants Guests To Change Clothes When They Come To His House Because Of Germs – IOTW Report

Man Wants Guests To Change Clothes When They Come To His House Because Of Germs

Twisted Sifter:

… I recently moved out into my own place and something that I started thinking about was how many germs from outside we track into our houses.

I always change out of my clothes as soon as I get home but whenever I have guests they don’t.

And I have no idea where they’ve been or what their clothes have been exposed to. more

25 Comments on Man Wants Guests To Change Clothes When They Come To His House Because Of Germs

  1. I’ll take off my shoes and my coat. That’s it. And I ain’t putting on anything I didn’t walk in wearing. And that’s only if I showed up at all.

    And ladies, you should just carefully back away from the front door.

  2. I’m trying to figure out what OP and YTA stands for. Lazy people who can’t take a couple seconds out of their lives to formulate a sentence bother me as much as the idiot that wants you to change clothes.

  3. I’d change and stay just long enough to use the bathroom.
    I’d also help out by cleaning the toilet……with the little brushes next to the tube of toothpaste.

  4. Dumb. We move about in a soup of bacteria and viruses everywhere, including trillions on and in our bodies. The innate immune system is a wonderful thing.

  5. It’s a mental disease and ahould be treated as such. Don’t go along with to get along with mentally sick people. It only enables and amplifies their problem.

  6. The only thing I’ve changes in my life years ago…when you put on or take off your shoes and tie them…think of where those shoes have been…standing at a urinal or in a bathroom…walking all over god knows where…spilling chemicals on them etc..I’m not a germaphobe but I just am conscious of washing my hands after I deal with my shoes…

  7. What a douche! I would go over to his house change clothes in front of him and then when he leaves the room, drop trousers, and leave a skid mark on the sofa and leave. Asshole.

  8. If (and only if) I was a Demoncrat pervert I would make them strip down to nothing. Engaging in an STD is by far better than suffering than a pathogenic germ… Oh G-d no, on second thought, I wouldn’t allow any Demoncrat in my home.

  9. I hate movies & TV shows when some character sits on the bed with his fucking shoes on.
    I come from a household who always removed shoes at the door.
    Anything else is uncivilized.

    PS, any self-order kiosk WILL have fecal matter on the screen.
    It’s plainly obvious when you see all these prehistoric men exit the bathroom stall and head out the door without even a glance at the faucet & sink.

  10. It seems that being exposed to germs is to your immune systems like lifting weights is to your muscles. If you wants to build it up, you need to expose it. Of course, like lifting too heavy a weight, too much is not good for you, either.


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