Man Who Shot Crossroads Mall Terrorist Is USPSA Competitor, 3-Gun Shooter – IOTW Report

Man Who Shot Crossroads Mall Terrorist Is USPSA Competitor, 3-Gun Shooter

BearingArms: USPSA Shooter,  3-Gunner, and NRA-certified firearms instructor Jason Falconer has been identified as the man who shot and killed a 22-year-old Somali immigrant who went on a stabbing rampage inside a St. Cloud, (MN) Mall on Saturday.

The apparent terrorist—who apparently asked victims if they were Muslims before stabbing them—was engaged by Falconer inside the mall.

Falconer is the president and owner of Tactical Advantage LLC, a shooting range and tactical training facility with a strong focus on arming concealed carriers. He’s also a former chief of the Albany (MN) police department, and he remains a part-time officer.  MORE

26 Comments on Man Who Shot Crossroads Mall Terrorist Is USPSA Competitor, 3-Gun Shooter

  1. From the description of the encounter — bad guy crouches and pretends to surrender, then draws his weapon– but gets whacked; I just knew the good guy was no amateur. HOT DANG! Jason. Made my day, week, month, year. WTF? We need more stories like that. NRA to the rescue. HOT DANG! MUTTERFLUTTER! WOOPPIE!

  2. What Obama and Hillary fail to acknowledge is every time we have an Allah Akbar man on man incident a good guy with a gun ends it. And the more good guys with guns in society the less damage any of these religion of peace losers can inflict and the more likely they end up where they belong – in a body bag.

  3. Ya gotta train. Reports are that eye witnesses were amazed at how fast the bad guy closed the distance from 20 feet. You can’t just buy it, shove it in a holster and think you’re prepared.

  4. And this is how America should roll. Unfortunately, that pathetic excuse for an adult male in the WH alongside his gang of haters have taught young Americans that it is better to be a pussy than to do what’s right. Where is the logic in that?

  5. Brad, no doubt you are 100% correct on the requirement for training. I’m looking into more myself. On another note, I’m thinking a shopping mall in Minnesota is probably a gun free zone. Which is why the perp chose it. Do you think it is, and if it is do you think anyone is going to say anything?

  6. Joe6pak,
    Yesterday I was on a ccw blog and there were a lot of people saying this mall is a gun free zone. I imagine he was able to carry because he’s LEO. I was surprised to see how many people were reporting their local malls are gun free. We have three large malls withing an hour drive and they are not posted. And that’s in California. As far as training it’s not all range time. Figure 3 hours a week dry fire and if you can a couple hours a week live fire. Shooting a pistol has come a long long ways. Mainly driven by the comp shooters. You don’t even hold a pistol like you did ten years ago. Even the 5 step draw was developed by competitive shooters. I saw something the other day I found fascinating about the human brain and how long it takes for muscle memory and motor skills to develop. If I can track it down I’ll post it.

  7. Brad, my good friend, I know you are right about training. But at my age? I was just about to have a cup of wife brewed coffee, make a good impression, you know, but, instead of sugar, I just put two spoons of coffee in the coffee. I think I’ll have a Dewar’s instead. Training days are over for me. But every young American should join a gun club and practice . That THEIR only hope of survival against these savages. Don’t depend on the government kids.

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