Man With American Flag Stands Down Rioters: ‘None Of You Guys Represent Black Lives’ – IOTW Report

Man With American Flag Stands Down Rioters: ‘None Of You Guys Represent Black Lives’

Federalist: A black man holding only an American flag tried to stop a crowd from breaking into the Federal Courthouse in Portland during widespread unrest in the city Saturday. The vandalized building was surrounded by hundreds of protesters, most dressed in black while sporting protective gear, and almost exclusively white.

“If you stand for justice come here and stand with me! Stand with me because I’m not here to tear down this f***ing fence, I’m not here to spray paint. It’s going on every day!” the man shouted into the crowd. He placed himself directly between the crowd and the opening to the justice building.

“If you don’t want to get gassed, stop! If you don’t want to get gassed, stop! It has to stop! This is not peaceful. None of you guys represent black lives! Sit and protest. Sit and protest.”

As he spoke, a handful of protesters appeared to join him. Most, however, instead hurled obscenities, and shouted that property destruction wasn’t violence. more here

15 Comments on Man With American Flag Stands Down Rioters: ‘None Of You Guys Represent Black Lives’

  1. ‘None Of You Guys Represent Black Lives’
    And none are black AND half of them are probably not from Portland, either. lol.

    But, at least he tried.
    I notice a lot more black people doing this. Good.

  2. But, but…but, he does not fit the narrative! He’s a Black dude holding up an American flag?? This must have confused the SHIT out of them.

    But wait! He is called an Uncle Tom by the white privileged rioters.

    They are nothing more than a thin armed and legged pathetic bunch.

    Have you seen the mug shots of these POS’s when they become ‘unmasked’ at the local precinct?


  3. “None of you guys represent black lives“

    No shit Sherlock.

    I have lived around these type most of my life and insincerity is their defining characteristic. The pieces of shit use and exploit any person or group to advance their own agenda. I have seen very few honest actS of charity on their part.

  4. How do you “represent a black life?” How do you “represent” any life?

    How do you “represent” a race?

    “Hi, I’m Jimmy. I represent all white people.”

    “Oh, shaddup, Jimmy. No you don’t. You’re just an idiot.”

    “You’rrrre rrrrrright! On your planet, welcome!”

  5. I don’t do any social media but did make a Twitch account so I can access all the protest live-streams and participate in the chat feature. Been watching it all live every night since it began and have enjoyed “studying the enemy.” They are as dumb as you can imagine. I encountered this just yesterday – the Leftist position advocating that property damage isn’t a problem, it’s not violence, and how ridiculous you are if you think otherwise.

    I asked the people expressing this idea: would it be ok if I painted over a BLM street or wall mural? It’s just paint, not violence, after all. As you can imagine, there was no response.

  6. It isn’t going to stop until the shooting starts. I think we should try beating them with nightsticks as they get arrested as a first attempt to see if that works and thereby there will be less loss of life. I’m not optimistic.

  7. @Ted

    I read recently that a body was discovered in a burnt out building in Minneapolis. A result of the riots there. Yes, property destruction is deadly violent.

    Violence to life also happens frequently during tornados, hurricanes, earthquakes, typhoons, as well as riots.

    To antifa, it’s just collateral damage, nothing to worry about.

  8. No one has to die as a result of property destruction for them to have taken unjustly part of another person’s life. A person’s property represents his life energy and to destroy his possessions is to negate that part of his life. Let’s say they kill outright a 98 year old and diminish their life by two years. That is murder. So if they destroy a 40 year old man’s property that he cannot benefit from for the rest of his life and it cost him a cumulative ten years of effort to accumulate that property they have just laid claim to ten years out of a man’s life. Not that Democrats have ever had any compunction usurping another man’s life energies. It is what defined them in the antebellum days by the very audacity of their claims on other men.

    The subhuman pieces of shit are subhuman pieces of shit and their lack of understanding of such concepts only speaks to the backward looking ethic that “progressives” embrace.

    If they destroy “government property” the concept still holds, and in spades. They have laid claim to the life energy of everyone who pays taxes.


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