South Carolina Man With Gun Tattoo On Face Arrested For Unlawful Possession Of A Firearm – IOTW Report

South Carolina Man With Gun Tattoo On Face Arrested For Unlawful Possession Of A Firearm

KFI: Police arrested a man with a tattoo of a gun on his forehead for unlawful possession of a firearm after he tried to toss the weapon away following a car accident. After Michael Vines was involved in a car crash in Greenville, South Carolina, responding firefighters saw him toss a loaded Smith and Wesson .38-caliber revolver into the grass.

The firefighters told police what they saw and cops recovered the revolver and took Vines into custody. Police discovered that Vines was prohibited from owning a weapon and arrested him for unlawful possession of a firearm. In a Facebook post, the Greenville Police Department joked about his tattoo, saying that “the real weapon was placed in property and evidence.”   read more

16 Comments on South Carolina Man With Gun Tattoo On Face Arrested For Unlawful Possession Of A Firearm

  1. That brilliant, sharp look in his eyes..
    The hair.
    The wart on his left cheek (face).
    The tattoo.
    Some poor guy is going to be presented this specimen as his future son-in-law.
    I just thank the Lord it wasn’t me.

  2. Does a tattoo artist ever just say, “Naww, fam. That is just setting you up for a lifetime of unemployment and I don’t need fiddy bucks that much. Sorry.”

  3. F4UCorsair, it won’t be me, I’ve already warned my youngest daughter who’s not married yet that no muzzies, Mormons, Jehovah Witnesses, druggies, stoners etc. or idiots with lots of tattoos need not even bother with her and she agrees with me. My granddaughter who’s only 2 will get the same if only firmer message from my son in about 15-20 years. She’s a little blonde haired, blue eyed cutie and no schmuck will be allowed near her if we can help it.

  4. Nothing says “don’t trust me” like a face tattoo.

    Bonus points being a gun.

    I was once asked by a woman how her failure to maintain insurance on her vehicle would matter to a potential employer. She lost her case when we all called BS on her excuse that she sent cash by mail. Didn’t matter to us, the jury. Still had an obligation to not drive without insurance, but the judge added this thing about a potential employer.

    Her outside the courtroom doors afterwards: Why? How does this matter? blah blah blah..

    Me: I have a business I’ve poured all my time, effort, money and heart into. Why would I expect anyone to take better care of my vehicles, equipment, and customers’ properties than their own possessions? If that’s all you care about your own property, I’m not interested in risking anything with you. You have to care about yourself first before I believe you have the ability to care about my stuff and my customers’ property.

    She got it.

    Same with face tattoos. If you don’t care about yourself, why should I expect anything different from you?


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