Manchester Bomber Used Student Loans To Help Finance Attack – IOTW Report

Manchester Bomber Used Student Loans To Help Finance Attack


The horrible thing about this is that if it’s true, it means the people of the UK helped pay for a terror attack on themselves with their own tax dollars.

The Telegraph UK reported:

Exclusive: Manchester suicide bomber used student loan and benefits to fund terror plot

The Manchester suicide bomber used taxpayer-funded student loans and benefits to bankroll the terror plot, police believe.

Salman Abedi is understood to have received thousands of pounds in state funding in the run up to Monday’s atrocity even while he was overseas receiving bomb-making training.

Police are investigating Abedi’s finances, including how he paid for frequent trips to Libya where he is thought to have been taught to make bombs at a jihadist training camp.

It comes as Assistant Commissioner Mark Rowley, Britain’s most senior counter-terrorism officer, said detectives had made “immense progress” in dismantling Abedi’s terror network.

In further developments, a barber shop in Manchester was raided with one theory that Abedi may have obtained hydrogen peroxide – a chemical used in the hairdressing industry but which can also be used to construct bombs – from the salon.

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5 Comments on Manchester Bomber Used Student Loans To Help Finance Attack

  1. it really sounds like they’re going to do something about the muslims there. Might be all smoke and mirrors but maybe the joe normals over there will start to kick ass. Like that commenter said, “those are your wives, children, mothers. Stand UP. Where are you british men?” or something to that effect.

  2. The family of the Boston Marathon bombers also collected welfare, etc. here. Most of the muslim families do. I don’t know about student loans, but we pay for them to kill us here too.

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