Manchin backs overturning Biden auto emissions proposal – IOTW Report

Manchin backs overturning Biden auto emissions proposal

Wa Ex: Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV) said Tuesday that he would support Congress overturning the Environmental Protection Agency’s new proposed rule limiting tailpipe emissions for vehicles, describing the effort as a “Trojan horse” to promote electric vehicles that could risk undermining national security.

In a statement, Manchin said the EPA is “lying to Americans” with “false claims about how their manipulation of the market to boost EVs will help American energy security.”

“In reality, this is a Trojan horse,” Manchin said. “To meet these timelines will mean strengthening our reliance on minerals and technologies controlled by the Chinese.”

Manchin said that the rules, combined with the administration’s implementation of the Inflation Reduction Act’s clean vehicle tax credits, will “only result in a more energy-secure and powerful China.”

The Biden administration proposed strict new auto emissions rules last week aimed at shifting the market toward EVs, aiming for EVs to make up 67% of all new vehicles sold by 2032.

The guidance from the Biden administration includes four different emissions-limiting options for the EPA to choose from following a public comment period. more

18 Comments on Manchin backs overturning Biden auto emissions proposal

  1. Too many people are fat, dumb and happy.
    I just spent a week with 2 friends who watch the absolutely horrible, lying morning shows.
    Talk about painful.
    It made me realize that a lot of people are just not interested in knowing more.

  2. The EPA is a Constitutional Abomination and Joe says they’re lying?
    Well, no shit, Joe.
    Just like every other organization in the FedGov – take your pick.

    To save time; name ONE FedGov organization that DOESN’T lie!

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  3. beachmom at 5:08 am

    Too many people are fat, dumb and happy. I just spent a week with 2 friends who watch the absolutely horrible, It made me realize that a lot of people are just not interested in knowing

    The reason for not wanting to know is “what they don’t know won’t hurt them.” Those are ones running amuck, purple/pink hair, piercings and tats. Wait until they see his face, they will realize what that “gaining the whole world” lost them their soul, because they would not listen. Now we have internet 24/7, the message is every where, seek and ye shall find. What I wouldn’t give for the Lord to return today….

  4. they couldn’t care less about the planet. look at how THEY get around. no; this is about limiting people’s ability to travel. couple smart vehicles, cbdc, with 15 minute cities; and everyone can be locked down at will


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