Manchin Breaks From Biden Narrative, Calls Surge At Border A Crisis – IOTW Report

Manchin Breaks From Biden Narrative, Calls Surge At Border A Crisis


Joe Biden has refused to call the apparent crisis at the Southern border, that everyone should be able to see, a crisis, but that has not stopped everyone from calling it what it is.

Democrat West Virginia Sen. Joe Manchin broke from Biden is calling the migrant surge a crisis that needs to be fixed, CNN reported.

“Whatever message was sent — it was sure interpreted the wrong way,” he said. “It’s a crisis — oh it’s a crisis.”

But the Biden administration has not been as direct when talking about the flood of illegal immigrants coming into the United States at the Southern Border.

“Does FEMA’s arrival at the border mean that the administration feels what is happening down at the border is a disaster?” Fox News White House correspondent Peter Doocy asked White House press secretary Jen Psaki on Monday. more

8 Comments on Manchin Breaks From Biden Narrative, Calls Surge At Border A Crisis

  1. It is what it is. Even with the median and big tech censoring information this is way to big to contain. To further deny it is going to backfire on them big time, but their arrogance is still clouding their ability to recognize that.

  2. Well it really isn’t a crisis for the evil cabal, because it is totally planned. It is however a crisis for the Gov. agencies that have to deal with the flood of illegals.It is also like Christmas for all the smugglers and rapists down south, fresh meat.

  3. Wow, can you believe this bullshit? The conservative news is apoplectic over a fucking word that the left refuses to use. So the issue is that there is a crisis at the border but more importantly the left won’t use the word “crisis”. WTF. Lets quibble about semantics.


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