Manchin: I Plan to Skip Obama’s Capitol Hill Meeting Defending Obamacare – IOTW Report

Manchin: I Plan to Skip Obama’s Capitol Hill Meeting Defending Obamacare

Bretibart: Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV) announced he would skip President Obama’s Capitol Hill meeting with Democrats on defending Obamacare.

“In good conscience, I can’t do it,” Manchin said Wednesday on MSNBC’s Morning Joe, according to the Hill.

He added:

If anyone listened and paid attention to what the American people said when they voted, they want this place to work. Can you imagine in here … we have the outgoing president coming up here today to talk to only Democrats. We have the incoming vice president coming up to talk only to Republicans.

Manchin then stated that this is not what “makes this place work.”

Obama met congressional Democrats on Capitol Hill to discuss how to prevent Republicans from repealing Obamacare.  more

10 Comments on Manchin: I Plan to Skip Obama’s Capitol Hill Meeting Defending Obamacare

  1. Ole Joe talked about people from WV who now have health insurance because of Obamacare, but not a word about the ones who no longer have health insurance because of Obamacare. Nor how the ones who do are paying much higher premiums with much higher deductibles.

    The recent election results have him spooked he may get the Gong next election. He’s trying to walk a narrow path trying to sound more reasonable but yet not tick off the demonrat contributors who he wants to fund his reelection.

    Joe we don’t want the place to work. We want the constant movement to the left to be completely defeated. But you’re not advocating that. I trust him as much as I trust a cornered rattlesnake.

  2. When Joe was governor of WV and early in his stint in the Senate, I thought, “Gee, here’s one, ONE democrat I can agree with sometimes.”

    It didn’t take long for Joe to disappoint. Joe will say or do anything to maintain Joe. Forget the people, they only matter every sixth election day.

  3. this is not what “makes this place work.”

    he’s not talking about a dem and repub consensus shrinking the size and scope of the fed behemoth government.

    he’s talking about consensus in growing it and his and fellow politicians pocketbooks.

    our elected officials did not get the election day message.

    professional politicians are the scourge of our republic.

  4. Man, I hadn’t thought about ole A. James M for years. At least he was entertaining. Easier to listen to than the ratfaced sourpus from NY – Sen Schuck Fumer.

    Over the years Charles Durning played two characters that always reminded me of A. James. The Governor in The Best Little Whorehouse in Texas, and Pappy O’Daniel in Oh, Brother Where Art Thou.

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