Manchin moves to reverse Senate dress code changes – IOTW Report

Manchin moves to reverse Senate dress code changes


West Virginia Democrat Sen. Joe Manchin has floated a proposal to reverse changes to the Senate dress code that permit members of the upper chamber to dress as they please.

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer confirmed this week that senators, but not their staffers or reporters, would no longer be subject to dress requirements. The move appeared to accommodate Pennsylvania Democratic Sen. John Fetterman, who prefers to dress in athletic shorts and a hoodie. more

19 Comments on Manchin moves to reverse Senate dress code changes

  1. Its a real comment on the esteem we should hold the formerly most august of legislative bodies in that the dress code is more stringent for a department store middle manager than it is for a United States Senator.

  2. The Claw, are you sure that you didn’t mean coitus since we’re being screwed by the Senate to allow this unworthy moron to dress like a slob. Are there any standards anymore that our so-called leaders will uphold. Somehow, I doubt it since they have no respect for the law or for America as it was founded anymore.

  3. The problem isn’t the dress code.

    It’s that somehow weirdos have got elevated/elected/selected into office.

    TN Tuxedo: interesting theory but there still are full-length pull-up pants, he still could put on a jacket, and he appears to wear running shoes with laces.

  4. So I was eating half a day-old Long John I purchased at Kwik Trip this morning when a chunk broke off and landed sticky chocolate topping on my t-shirt and khaki short pants. Looking down at the mess left behind I thought to myself, “Someone should do a t-shirt, saying “Fashion by Fetterman” or “Fetterman’s mom dressed me this morning.””

  5. Dressing like a slobs shows you how they think they should look for the world to see what America stands for in their minds. Same thoughts they have for inviting trash from other country’s to come and sleep and chit on our streets so the world knows we are third world now, with little doubt or class.


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