Manchin opposes third Biden nominee this week – IOTW Report

Manchin opposes third Biden nominee this week

JTN: West Virginia Democratic Sen. Joe Manchin on Friday announced he would not advance President Joe Biden’s nominee to become assistant secretary for lands and minerals management for the Department of the Interior.

Manchin is chairman of the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee, which scrutinizes presidential nominees on matters involving natural resource positions.

“Today, I have also decided, as chairman of the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee, that I will not be moving forward the nomination of Laura Daniel-Davis as assistant secretary of the Department of Interior,” the West Virginia Democrat announced, according to The Hill.

Manchin pointed to an interior DOT memo in which Daniel-Davis approved a decision against lowering federal fees for private companies to extract oil and gas, a position he called “misguided.” more

6 Comments on Manchin opposes third Biden nominee this week

  1. Since virtually ALL of Biden’s nominees are bitter black females (?) who are unqualified, enraged, and clearly looking for some payback for some imaginary slight they feel aggrieved from, they should all be trap doored into the closet dumpster.

  2. Manchin either smells something in the air, or knows that his constituency is getting fed up with the Retarded Pedophile Usurper Joey’s shitty, predictable picks.

    He has no principles and he is a canny politician – so his decision is based on some sound, self-serving calculus.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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