Manchin popularity drops precipitously in West Virginia – IOTW Report

Manchin popularity drops precipitously in West Virginia


Sen. Joe Manchin’s approval rating dropped by double digits in his home state of West Virginia, which makes him one of the most unpopular senators, according to a recent Morning Consult poll.

Only 42% of registered voters approve of Manchin and 51% disapprove after the senator lost a lot of support from Republicans and independents. In a poll during the first quarter of 2022, his approval rating was close to 60% and his disapproval rating was less than 40%. The change in his approval rating could be rooted in his recent support for some of President Joe Biden’s policy agendas. more

14 Comments on Manchin popularity drops precipitously in West Virginia

  1. Who couldn’t see that coming? If you talk out of both sides of your mouth, it becomes apparent to everyone that you are a first rate liar.

    Virginia has the same problem with supposed moderates Senators Mark Warner and Timmy Kaine.

    Bullshit artists who are straight party line voters.

    They look you right in the eye while shoving a shiv in your ribs.

  2. …and Arlen of the Mountains continues to be the only one this surprises.

    When you sold out your constituents and proved you had no real convictions while being stupid enough to trust a promise from JOE PEDO BIDEN, what did you THINK would happen once they had no further use for you, Joe?

    …hope you’re not as Mafia-funded as the usual WVa candidate, Joe Lite, for YOUR sake.

    Because THOSE guys are going to take their return on investment out of your ASS if they can’t get it any other way.

    And don’t forget that the vigorish is charged BEFORE you deduct The Big Guy’s 10%, Joe.

    Because you’re about to find out what “Fuck you, pay me” REALLY means despite your soon to be abruptly ended employment…

  3. Even if he loses, he’ll still live better than 99% of the World’s population from all the swag he’s stolen over the past 50 years – AND HE’S NEVER DONE SO LITTLE AS A SINGLE DAY OF WORK IN HIS ENTIRE LIFE!

    So sad …

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  4. He has to be stupid to the 10th degree to trust them. But he did.
    These folks would stab Santa in the back, they are that evil in their lust for power.
    All we can do now is let it play out.

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