Manchin: Removing Hawley, Cruz with 14th Amendment ‘should be a consideration’ – IOTW Report

Manchin: Removing Hawley, Cruz with 14th Amendment ‘should be a consideration’

Manchin will tell you anything you want to hear.

The Hill: Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) said the Senate should consider removing Sens. Josh Hawley (R-Mo.) and Ted Cruz (R-Texas) via the 14th Amendment over their objections last week to the Electoral College results. 

Speaking to PBS’s “Firing Line” on Friday night, Manchin said the Senate should explore the option after a violent mob, riled up by President Trump and convinced by Republicans such as Hawley and Cruz that the election was fraudulent, ransacked the Capitol in one of the darkest points in American democracy.  more

24 Comments on Manchin: Removing Hawley, Cruz with 14th Amendment ‘should be a consideration’

  1. Ok, then also expel the Dems who challenged the EC in 2017.

    This is just more Bolshevik tactics to throw the GOP off balance and delegitimize valid concerns, and moreover suppress political opposition.

  2. Hmm, I thought Manchin was a darling of the right.
    A D is gonna D, all the time.
    Seems this 14A can of worms would be useful for several of our highly regarded Congressmembers.

  3. Right after the election the never Trump losers including the so called conservatives the likes of Ann Coulter were gloating that this was the best scenario. Trump is finally gone and the senate is with the GOP so we will be in a stale mate until they can get a respectable republican candidate. Then we learned not so fast GA has runoffs and they said no problem we will win at least one seat and we have Manchin who is a moderate. And yet they still claim Trump ruined the party and is the problem.

  4. Here’s yet another cluebat to your face. A vote for either party’s candidates is pointless. You think by voting dem you have to p/u a turd but by voting Republican you can p/u the turd on the clean end.

    How’s that been working out? OH NOES, Manchin or Morisey? In the end, his posturing about Barrett was blather. Same with impeachment. They’re all pawns who got the whiff of endless pussy and will accede to fucking anything to keep it coming.

    Either pols that appear solid as an R abandon that party for an American Party or they simply shouldn’t get our vote.

    For example, my rep, Mark Crawford, AR-1, is conservative but voting for him is in essence voting for Kevin McCarthy. Same with Tom Cotton although his true colors are now known. A vote for him is a vote for Mitch McConnell.

    No more. If they want to run as Republicans, so be it. I’ll fucking vote for the dem and accelerate the burn. I’m done with this lesser of two evils bullshit.

  5. The Digital Kristallnacht is being televised. Can you keep track of all of the “journalists” and media personalities cheering on the disappearing of their opposition from every platform?

  6. Be sure to thank Carl Rove for the Georgia disaster. The smug know-it-all never had a clue what it took to win there or he was another saboteur take your pick. He was working for Mitch McConnell so it’s not a tough guess.

  7. I’m hoping at least some of the republican governors defy the feds shoving illegals into their states. The hordes are heading this way again and Obama dispersed them to hurt red states and they’ll do it again.

  8. West Virginia. You need to watch the polling stations and be at the vote count. No way this asshole is elected time after time.
    Maybe buy him some exercise equipment. That’s how we got rid of Harry Reid. lol

  9. Joe’s a fairly typical oleaginous pol.
    He’d let Biden fuck his toddler great-grand-daughter if a few of those Chinese-Biden-Bucks would fall his way.
    No morals.
    No principles.
    And don’t kid yourselves – WVa knows EXACTLY what they get with Joe.
    Far as I can gather, he’s never had a real job – or done a meaningful thing – his entire life. A true parasite.

    izlamo delenda est …


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