Manchin Stops Biden $3.5 Trillion Spending Spree – IOTW Report

Manchin Stops Biden $3.5 Trillion Spending Spree

He’s the best Democrat in the country. Granted the bar isn’t set very high. more

8 Comments on Manchin Stops Biden $3.5 Trillion Spending Spree

  1. Biden is the Reparations president who will give back money blocked by Trump policies and just generally cause chaos to America.

    This spending g will be delayed not dumped. Our savings and 401 accounts are going to toast as the “FDIC” is out of order in the new great reset.

    Eventually people will forfeit property, possessions, and freedom for a monthly stipend (25% higher for poc’s) and guaranteed vaccines and boosters from viral infectious boogeyman. Wait and see my prollies.

    Big global evil is coming to visit and it’s already got the keys to your house.

  2. Pelosi & Co. know that they have to get it done in the next 14 months, they will break any rules they need to because after the election it will be much tougher to get the Manchin-type Dems to go along and come January 2023 they won’t be able to pass anything they want.

  3. Where are those two phony “Moderate Senators” from Colorado? Hickenlooer and Bennett both ran fo the Presidency as fiscal conservatives, but they didn’t gain the tiniest bit of traction in that “Field of Nightmares.” Now, neither one of them seems to realize that they have attached themselves to the worst President* in the country’s history.


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