GP: Shortly after Trump was arraigned this week in New York City on still undefined criminal action, the Manhattan DA’s Office released a press release highlighting the charges against President Trump.
At the end of the press release, it featured all the prosecutors and investigators behind the indictment against Trump.
One of the names listed may be very familiar to anyone who had their eyes on New York politics around 2007 and that name is Peter Pope.
Before working at the Manhattan DA Office as an Executive Assistant DA, Pope was mixed up in the Troopergate scandal.
For some background information, the New York Troopergate scandal (not to be confused with Clinton’s Troopergate scandal), was a controversy in 2007 that involved New York Governor Eliot Spitzer who “allegedly ordered the state police to create special records of Republican senate majority leader Joseph L. Bruno’s whereabouts when he traveled with police escorts in New York City.”
During the time of the scandal, Pope served as Governor Spitzer’s policy director.
A New York Post article in 2007 claimed Spitzer’s staff which included Pope went into “shutdown mode” after it was discovered Spitzer’s office was being investigated by Andrew Cuomo, the Attorney General at the time. MORE
Where are the supreme justices while law is destroyed in America?