Manhattan snobs triggered by Chick-fil-A – IOTW Report

Manhattan snobs triggered by Chick-fil-A

Patriot Retort: For Pete’s sake, it’s Chick-fil-A not an alien invasion.


Are you freaking kidding me?

Chick-fil-A has come to New York City and the New Yorker magazine is treating it like the island of Manhattan is being invaded by the Borg.

It’s a chicken joint for Pete’s sake!

The writer of this absurd article is one Dan Piepenbring who, apparently, is the official arbiter of all things acceptable in Manhattan.

Here, let me give you a little taste of this humorless dink’s article:

It’s worth asking why Americans fell in love with an ad in which one farm animal begs us to kill another in its place. Most restaurants take pains to distance themselves from the brutalities of the slaughterhouse; Chick-fil-A invites us to go along with the Cows’ Schadenfreude.

Are you kidding me?!

Most people who saw the ads with the cows saying, “Eat mor chikin” had a nice chuckle.

Not so this insufferable idiot from the New Yorker.

Honestly, I’m embarrassed for this guy.  MORE

17 Comments on Manhattan snobs triggered by Chick-fil-A

  1. I kinda love it that lefties are so consumed by this. It shows how stupid their arguments are and wastes a lot of their time.
    Chik fil A hires every sort of person, their franchisees are every sort of person, and they celebrate that. Lefties can’t get past the views of the founding family on homosexuality despite everything else they have done to be open and welcoming. Their loss.

  2. We don’t have a Chick-fil-A in Eastern Wash. or N. Idaho yet. The next closest one is in Kalispell, Mt. where I deliver flowers on Mondays and Thursdays. We would be glad to take your new Chick-fil-A in a heartbeat NYC. And I wouldn’t have to drive 4-5 hours just to enjoy their chicken sandwiches.

  3. Their snotty and ubiquitous german cockroaches aren’t too uppity to infest the food prep areas of a Chick-fil-a when the store arrive’s, so it can’t be said that all of the sophisticated New Yorkers turn their nose’s up.

  4. There is nothing “christian” about Chik-Fil-A except that they are closed on Sundays. It’s not like they are putting Bible verses in your box of chicken tenders or converting Orthodox Jews from potato latkes to waffle fries.

    Leftists are hideous bigots and they project the hatred and stereotypes they feel for everyone of every stripe or religious domination onto their political opponents.

    High end celebrity restaurants with Rape Rooms are ok. But this is too much.

    It’s too easy to put that shoe on the other foot and say that The New Yorker wouldn’t be publishing a story on the infiltration of Muzzloids because another Shawarma King food cart location opened near Mid-town. The “otherizing” that the New Yorker is engaged in is no different than KKK flyers warning of a black family moving into a neighborhood.

    There goes the neighborhood.

  5. Refuse Resist, you should welcome them in Texas with the barrel of a gun pointed at their heads.

    The extremist left wing marxist demorats are upset about Chick Fil because a recent article pointed out how millenial turds love it. They prefer it over any of the junk food joints and over all other fast food, including McDonalds. Partly because McDonalds changed their marketing pitch several years ago and geared it almost 100% towards black people. They really went ghetto and all JayZ/Snoop Dog. That was a bad idea. So now the chick joint, which is not bad, is booming.

    Pathetic, sad, left wing nut jobs are now reduced to barking at the moon. They are mad at what sandwiches kids like to eat now. They are losing and they are hysterical and not coping well.

  6. Over here in SE Portland area, the chicken place is doing quite nicely, so much so that I don’t really go there much because of the lines are so long.
    I haven’t seen lines of this sort except at Tommy’s burgers in LA 18 years ago.

  7. A Chic-Fil-A is opening right around the corner from my work!!! Woo-hoo.
    Any story about it triggers the resistors who piss and moan about the intolerance.
    “Get outta the line!” (John Pinette RIP)

  8. @Toenex: I used to frequent Tommy’s in Hollywood until I moved out of “the Pit” in ’74. Here in the other end of Oregon we got our In-N-Out a few years ago, and Chick-fil later this year. I get my Tommy’s fix now on my trips to Las Vegas.

  9. Ah, I live in Georgia, grew up right down the road from where Chik-fil-a was started, been eating them since my early teens, and there’s practically one on every other corner! Am I lucky or what!?!?

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