Manipulative AOC plays the Victim … again – IOTW Report

Manipulative AOC plays the Victim … again

Patriot Retort:

Speaking as a woman, there is nothing I hate more than a manipulative emotional cripple who plays the victim in order to weasel her way out of taking responsibility for her own horrible behavior.

It is incredibly immature and disingenuous.

Which, when you get right down to the ooey-gooey center, describes Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez to a T.

I remember one time in fifth grade I got in trouble in class.

My teacher stood up, walked to the classroom door and instructed me to come out into the hall with her.

I knew I was in trouble.

So, being an immature fifth grader, I did a little emotional manipulation to weasel my way out of trouble. In the hall, I broke down and started crying uncontrollably. Through choking sobs with tears running down my face, I cried, “My Dad died!!!”

Now, my father was indeed dead. Only he died some ten years earlier. So you’d have to be a complete moron to think that my emotional outburst over my father’s death had anything whatsoever to do with my getting in trouble. It was pure, unadulterated emotional manipulation. more

13 Comments on Manipulative AOC plays the Victim … again

  1. “Again”? “Again” implies that at one time, you stopped. In AOC’s case, she has never stopped being a manipulative ass, so the word I would use to describe her behavior is “still”.

  2. @Loco

    She should, and probably does, fear the Reaper.

    Liberals go through their chicken-gutted lives terrified of death. I don’t want to face it anytime soon, but I don’t tremble at the thought of it either.

  3. My sister had a black belt in the emotional manipulation/blackmail game until one day my father stopped her and said stop it,people see through this and you’re not helping things by doing it. She quit those games with family.After years of no contact I met up with her and her latest husband and suprise suprise right back at it,i raised an eyebrow to her husband and said good luck and good bye. Hopefully he’s doing ok.


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