“Data ‘increasingly unnecessary’ because ‘we can see climate change’ “ – IOTW Report

“Data ‘increasingly unnecessary’ because ‘we can see climate change’ “

WT: Leading climate doomsayer Michael Mann recently downplayed the importance of climate change science, telling Democrats that data and models “increasingly are unnecessary” because the impact is obvious.

“Fundamentally, I’m a climate scientist and have spent much of my career with my head buried in climate-model output and observational climate data trying to tease out the signal of human-caused climate change,” Mr. Mann told the Democratic Platform Drafting Committee at a hearing.

“What is disconcerting to me and so many of my colleagues is that these tools that we’ve spent years developing increasingly are unnecessary because we can see climate change, the impacts of climate change, now, playing out in real time, on our television screens, in the 24-hour news cycle,” he said.

Mr. Mann, director of the Earth System Science Center at Penn State University, spoke before the committee June 17 in Phoenix.

His comment drew hoots from climate skeptics, — more

22 Comments on “Data ‘increasingly unnecessary’ because ‘we can see climate change’ “

  1. Yes, the climate changes. Some seasons it is hot and some seasons it is cold.
    It takes a leading climatologist to state the obvious and claim it as a brilliant observation. It takes a first class dumb ass to propose spending hundreds of millions of dollars to combat the phenomenon. Enter: The Democratic Platform Planning Committee…

  2. When a so-called “scientist” posits that data is not necessary to support some hare-brained, bullshit “theory” designed to extort $Billions from the “uninitiated” mouth-breathers of the Earth, he’s said all that needs to be said, about his claim to “science” and his hare-brained “theory.”

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. Because of higher than normal activity, 2004-05 seasons were blamed on climate change. Now they are blaming the “hurricane drought” on climate change. Floods – climate change. Drought – climate change. Hard winter – climate change. Mild winter – climate change
    Climate change, a one size fits all, bullshit phenomenon.

  4. Michael Mann — he of the faked data and debunked “hockey stick” “climate change” curve. That should tell you enough right there.
    Once a “scientist” has been proved a faker and liar, why is he still being listened to as a credible person?

  5. Puta, if your knowledge is valuable, try selling it to someone on the open market, not to the government who pays you for a preordained outcome.
    After the collapse, fucktards like you will be used to fetch water

  6. Hard to believe. Only a progtard would be incapable of seeing through this scam. It’s so evocative of the Emperor’s New Clothes, everyone waxing eloquent over a naked man.

    “Oh, don’t you just *know* how hot it is now!”

    Moreover, all weather, even extreme cold can be explained by global warming. The bastards! ….Lady in Red

  7. Isn’t Mr. Mann in court now after Mark Steyn repeatedly challenged him to sue? My understanding is that it’s not going well for him and discovery hasn’t started yet. Mr. Steyn has stated all along that his goal (beyond a case dismissal) would be to get Mr. Mann under oath in discovery where he could not prevaricate, dissemble or outright lie. Perhaps a quick look at how much Mr. Mann has personally benefited from his tale of global man made climate woe would be an interesting read. Maybe the other Penn State staffer currently serving time for misdeeds with children would get a new roomie and together they could start a Penn State Alumni Club upstate.

  8. Chicken little once said—the sky is falling, the sky is falling–.. I keep looking up waiting for something to hit me on the head, guess I should take cover instead.
    🙂 have a good day.

  9. Ah yes. Despite the fact every GLOBALCLIMATEWARMINGCHANGE prediction has failed to come to pass they still continue on with “The Science is Settled”.


    It still snows so our children have seen it. New York is not underwater, nor is Florida. We still have ice caps at both poles (year round).

    Sometimes it is a hot Summer, sometimes it is a cold Winter. I guess I will be in a FEMA camp eventually because I believe Science is supposed to understand how things really work.

  10. ‘Climate Change’ has two aspects: it is either in a warming trend or a cooling trend. It is never static. What brings into question in my mind, concerning the veracity of one’s claim to being a climate expert, is the inability to make a scientific distinction of what the climate is doing when the trend is referred to as just ‘climate change’. One doing so is not being very scientific… or honest.

  11. And today’s song contribution from Jimmy Cliff, just for all you AGCCs (anthropogenic Climate Changers). This should be learned and sung to them, in public, whenever they start pontificating.
    I can see clearly now the rain is gone
    I can see all obstacles in my way
    Gone are the dark clouds that had me blind
    It’s gonna be a bright (bright)
    Bright (bright) sunshiny day
    It’s gonna be a bright (bright)
    Bright (bright) sunshiny day


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