‘Mansion Maxine’: Joe Collins Launches Ad Ripping Maxine Waters for Not Living in Her District – IOTW Report

‘Mansion Maxine’: Joe Collins Launches Ad Ripping Maxine Waters for Not Living in Her District


Republican Joe Collins, a Navy veteran challenging Democrat Rep. Maxine Waters in California’s 43rd Congressional District, launched a campaign ad Saturday blasting the congresswoman for residing outside the district she represents while her constituents “suffer the consequences” of her policies.

“Maxine does not live in her district. But I do. I was born right here in South L.A., in a place Maxine refuses to live,” Collins says in the ad. “Maxine Waters does not drink our water. She does not breathe our air. And while she sits here in her mansion, our district is in ruins.”

Collins begins by introducing Waters’ multimillion-dollar home, which is located just outside the 43rd District’s boundary in the wealthy area of Hancock Park. more here

15 Comments on ‘Mansion Maxine’: Joe Collins Launches Ad Ripping Maxine Waters for Not Living in Her District

  1. What a great political advertisement. It’s clearly evident that the Plantation Dwellers have just changed the color of their masters. How could Representative Maxine Waters have acquired that mansion without being a crooked politician?

  2. Owning a $6,000,000 house on a $174,000 salary is the same thing as owning a $1,000,000 house on a $29,000 salary.

    In both instances, the interest payment alone is 120% of salary on a 3.5% loan.

    Totally feasible. *eyeroll*

  3. He was born and grew up in the district, he survived a drive-by shooting in his home in the district, and his community is just as bad if not worse during Mad Max’s Lordship over the district. Why would anyone re-elect her and not choose Joe Collins?

    What’s that you say? 29% of the residence have not graduated High School, and a higher percent have an equivalent intelligence level of a ninth grader? It’s an uphill battle, but to quote a certain POTUS, “what do you have to lose?”

  4. Great ad. Love seeing vets step into the fray.

    If you watched O’Keefe’s last video about Ilan, note the first thing she does is build a machine to ensure reelection. And her’s is only 2 years old! Imagine Maxine’s tentacles into her district.

    He’ll get crushed.

  5. If it’s true that 29% of residents of Maxine’s district have less than a high school education. What percentage of her district are college educated? Prompts an interesting question.

    Are leftist liberal democrats also reliably voted into office in districts with majority college educated residents?

    I certainly know a lot of people with America loving, patriotic children that were leftists nutjobs after going away to college for four years. While their children that graduated high school and perhaps also a vocational school education were still (mostly) fine, and not advocating socialist government.

    For many people a college education seems to make them more ignorant and less wise than the high school graduates. It might make an interesting national map – education level of all districts vs party consistently elected in those districts.

    Could it be that a district’s devil’s mix is a significant majority of college educated and high school drop outs? Who most consistently votes for leftists – high school drop outs or college graduates?


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