Manson family killer Leslie Van Houten, 73, is released from prison after serving 53 years of a life sentence – IOTW Report

Manson family killer Leslie Van Houten, 73, is released from prison after serving 53 years of a life sentence


Charles Manson follower Leslie Van Houten walked out of a California prison Tuesday after serving 53 years of a life sentence for her participation in the infamous murders.

The California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation said Van Houten ‘was released to parole supervision.’

Her release comes days after Gov. Gavin Newsom announced he would not fight a state appeals court ruling that Van Houten should be granted parole.

Van Houten, now in her 70s, received a life sentence for helping Manson´s followers carry out the 1969 killings of Leno LaBianca, a grocer in Los Angeles, and his wife, Rosemary.

She was released from prison in the early morning hours and driven to transitional housing, her attorney Nancy Tetreault said. more

24 Comments on Manson family killer Leslie Van Houten, 73, is released from prison after serving 53 years of a life sentence

  1. She’ll hit the talk shoe circuit and make a living being a murderer, more brutal than anything I’ve ever lived through to watch. This happened about the time I got married.

  2. American justice. hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhaa1

    Bitch just gutted a baby out of a pregnant womans guts. No big deal. She’s a fucking celebrity after all.

  3. She was an early beneficiary of the leftist takeover in California. A takeover I might add, that was aided and abetted enthusiastically by the celebutard community Manson dreamed of being a part of and subsequently targeted. The LaBiancas had the misfortune of being ‘nearby’.

    She should be lodged at Rob Reiner’s house.

  4. First of all,she she’d have received the death penalty & should have been put to death many years ago. Second,she’s not honestly dealing with what she did. If she was she’d realize that she’s lucky to be alive & forfeited her right to participate in society when she murdered innocent people. The fact that she thinks she deserves to be out proves that she doesn’t deserve to be out.

  5. Yeah, sure – she’s “sorry”. Empty platitudes just makes it worse. What evidence proves she’s reformed. Has she asked for forgiveness from God and her victims families? It might matter if she also renounced being a Satanic cult member.
    Still, being released from prison is not justified. A death penalty or at least life in prison should be this murderer’s fate.
    God gets the last word concerning unrepentant murderers who are destined for Hell. She won’t be able to escape the horror if she’s not truly taking responsibility for her evil, monstrous actions.


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