Many US temperature sensors improperly placed – IOTW Report

Many US temperature sensors improperly placed

Ice Age Now:

“Nearly every single weather station the U.S. government uses to measure the country’s surface temperature may be compromised.”

From the article”
(Click on highlighted city for photo of compromised sensor):

• A sensor in Tahoe City, Calif., sits near a paved tennis court and is right next to a “burn barrel” that incinerates garbage.

There’s more here

10 Comments on Many US temperature sensors improperly placed

  1. Tahoe City Good on Ya, Cheapest Tourism Ad in History !
    Iv’e Always Wondered Why In San Diego we Give our Weather from the Coolest Part …The Bay Basically. So When you see 70 degrees Here, it’s Really A Median 80 degrees realisticly ! Our Tourism Would Be Higher !

  2. There was a warm-up in the Middle Ages of 1-2 degrees. Wonderful things happened. Longer growing season, more farm animals, more food, food leftover to sell, money to buy things, a better standard of living, healthier people….

    As for carbon dioxide, whether tied to global warming or not, flora and trees need that during the day so they can put out oxygen at night. You’d be surprised that some folks don’t know that.

  3. Reboot,

    Srsly? You must be so daft your wife must need to remind you to breathe. Of course it does and everyone knows it. The heat radiating up off concrete, tarmac &c sets up a closed-loop, infra-red resonance with the sun. As the vastly more stimulated electrons in the sun’s ions drop down from their now higher, more excited orbits they produce infinitely higher quantities of UV, X and even gamma radiation vice the usual, puny infra-red. I predict that by Nov 6 2024 walking outside will be akin to stepping in front of an Earth-size oxyacetylene torch. Knowing this has greatly improved my outlook on society in general and has hugely simplified my financial planning heading for retirement.

    Apologies to reboot, all kidding aside and adding onto oolook’s coattails with regard to little known facts, there are more trees in N America than before Columbus’ arrival. We aren’t the trash and burn people the greens would have you believe and are better stewards than some suggest/insist. With the petro revolution, we don’t have to burn them to survive and have energy to spare to do stuff to ameliorate environmental concerns like plant lots of trees, among other things. Lastly and probably most importantly, these nutcase who complain about the CO2 levels being too high probably don’t know that the floor for that isn’t zero ppm, it’s 180. That’s when plant respiration pretty well starts to drop off and the food chain begins its collapse. We came into the industrial revolution at about 260 ppm. That’s actually having the needle a little too close to “E” for me and a couple of unerupted volcanoes short of disaster. Yeah at 400 ppm, the marginal areas are greening up and despite the idiotic notion (served nicely by the stuff in the article above) that we are going to burn up so send me money, life is quite good on planet Earth.

  4. As for carbon dioxide, whether tied to global warming or not, flora and trees need that during the day so they can put out oxygen at night.

    In the daytime, photosynthesis predominates, takes up CO2 and give off O2 as the waste gas. During night, respiration dominates and gives off CO2 as the waste gas. The balance is in favor of giving off O2 as they use carbon for their growth.

    Lastly and probably most importantly, these nutcase who complain about the CO2 levels being too high probably don’t know that the floor for that isn’t zero ppm, it’s 180.

    Yep. Hundreds of millions of years of buried carbon in plant matter has depleted the atmosphere of CO2 and is suffocating plant growth. Humans evolved to rescue the planet. Plants grow best between CO2 concentrations of 800-1200ppm. Some greenhouses increase CO2 to 1000ppm to increase plant growth. It also reduces water consumption as a side effect.

  5. I remember a few years ago that the guy who founded the Weather Channel (not the clown who runs it now) spoke out about how data gathering was flawed around the world and skewed toward proving climate change.

    You really can’t even believe the weather man anymore.

  6. You should check out They have collected location specs from 82.5% of the surface stations in the US. Over 70% of them register temperatures 2 degrees C higher than actual temps or more. Over 6% of them register temperatures 5 degrees C higher that actual temps or more.

  7. @ Gojira, I live at thirteen degrees north, look it up on that roundy thing called a globe. I’m also a former submarine atmospheric control specialist (retired).

    You can’t shit me, moron.

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