Marco Rubio: American workers have yet to see a benefit from the reform package championed by President Donald Trump – IOTW Report

Marco Rubio: American workers have yet to see a benefit from the reform package championed by President Donald Trump

PWS: Can anyone be this stupid and actually be a sitting member of the United States Senate?

I reckon so!

Marco Rubio actually said that “there’s no evidence whatsoever” that the massive Trump tax cuts have helped the American worker.

Hey, Marco, try telling that to this family and the many millions like them….

From Fox Business

Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., took aim at the recently installed GOP tax plan, telling The Economist in an interview published last week that American workers have yet to see a benefit from the reform package championed by President Donald Trump.

Enacted in late 2017, the Republican-backed overhaul cut the corporate tax rate to 21% from 35%. Proponents of the bill argued that lower tax rates would encourage companies to bring jobs back to America and raise wages and other benefits for employees.

Dozens of companies, including McDonald’s, Apple and Boeing, have given out one-time bonuses, raised minimum wages or added benefits for employees because of tax reform. But Rubio argued the tax cuts have not had a major positive impact on most workers.  MORE HERE

30 Comments on Marco Rubio: American workers have yet to see a benefit from the reform package championed by President Donald Trump

  1. Republicans seem hell bent on losing in November. What is the matter with these people? Between stuff like this and a new attempt at amnesty they’re crapping their pants.

    Our only salvation is that the democrats are far worse.
    Small consolation.

  2. Kind of funny to think back to what Podesta’s emails disclosed. President Elect Hillary Rodham Clinton’s crack team of election advisers were more concerned with Little Moron running against her than any other Republican, and they actually wanted to square off against Donald Trump. We probably would have been dealing with Cuban Collusion now if he had gotten the nomination and somehow managed to get elected.

  3. I wonder if President Trump has considered a one-on-one meeting with the likes of Marco, Trey, Paul Ryan, et. al.. It probably wouldn’t work with those who are retiring, but he could make them mess their pants with what he could do with the rest of their time in congress.

    Let’s see what he could negotiate.

  4. Marco Rubio: “American workers have yet to see a benefit from the reform package championed by President Donald Trump”

    You mean other than those who were unemployed and now have a job, and those who got a pay raise?

  5. PHenry – IMO, Republicans want to be elected, but they do NOT want to govern. Being the minority has its benefits: same money without making decisions that might hurt someone’s feelings.

  6. Rubio trying out to take over McCain and Flake’s role in being a Leftist media darling. I love Rush Limbaugh but he really needs to stop trying to convince us Rubio is a conservative.

  7. Rubio apparently has not looked at investment accounts or pay check stubs. Maybe Trump’s policies aren’t benefitting worthless wealthy pieces of shit like little Marco so he thinks they don’t benefit anyone.

  8. No benefits? Nothng at all? Even Pelosi had to acknowledge some “crumbs”. You can’t spend the rest of your life being butt-hurt by Trump, lil Rube. Man up or shut up.

  9. It was just a few years ago under Obama’s economic tyranny I couldn’t afford to buy dental floss until the next paycheck wandered in.

    Within the last week I bought two cruise tickets for my folks AND landed a new upcoming job. Plus, you WILL NOT BELIEVE what’s just on the horizon.


  10. Marco Marco, what do they have on you. Who has their hand up your ass and putting words in your mouth. I had high hopes for you at one point but now it’s apparent that you have gone south. I haven’t changed, you have Rubio.
    I shall donate to your opponent and pray for your loss of your next election.
    If your are not part of the solution then your part of the problem.
    Adios pendejo

  11. No Republican that ran against him in 2016 will ever have a career that goes anywhere, with the possible exception of Ted Cruz. They all blame Trump for derailing their political careers by exposing them as the phonies that they are.
    Marco is a smoked cigar and 2016 was his high water mark.

  12. To a Government junkie, like Rubio, the only things that work are more taxes and more government agencies to regulate people. Letting people use their own money without proper oversight can only lead to all sorts of mischief. It is much better to take the money and then dole it out to preferred interest groups and voting blocs.

  13. Uncle Al, LMAO!!!!

    Met a pundit years ago, before Rubio got accepted by the TEA party, that said Rubio was “not to be trusted”. He is pro-illegal alien, big government and you only have to see his Florida voting record to confirm it.

    And here we are.


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