Marco Rubio Leaps To Top Democrat’s Defense Over Texts To Russian Oligarch’s Lobbyist – IOTW Report

Marco Rubio Leaps To Top Democrat’s Defense Over Texts To Russian Oligarch’s Lobbyist

Daily Caller: Republican Florida Sen. Marco Rubio leapt to Democratic Virginia Sen. Mark Warner’s defense Thursday night after a new report revealed Warner exchanged text messages with a top lobbyist for a Russian oligarch.

Warner texted back and forth with lobbyist Adam Waldman in an effort to contact former British spy Christopher Steele, the author of the infamous Trump-Russia dossier, Fox News reports. Waldman previously represented Russian billionaire Oleg V. Deripaska, who is known to be close to Putin.

Warner appears to have tried to keep secret his contacts with the lobbyist, saying in one text he would “rather not have a paper trail.”

Despite Warner’s apparent effort to keep the conversations secret, Rubio defended the Democratic senator as being transparent with the Senate Intelligence Committee. “Sen. Warner fully disclosed this to the committee four months ago,” Rubio wrote on Twitter, adding that the material has “had zero impact on our work.”

However, as The Daily Caller’s Chuck Ross pointed out: if Sen. Warner disclosed the texts “four months ago,” that would have been several months after Warner exchanged the texts.  read more

13 Comments on Marco Rubio Leaps To Top Democrat’s Defense Over Texts To Russian Oligarch’s Lobbyist

  1. ” adding that the material has “had zero impact on our work.”

    How does he know? There’s no paper trail. I guess that “Little Marco” nickname still stings a bit.

  2. I grew up and attended school in the 70’s and graduated in “81”.
    Everything that is happening in our governments secret police is what I was told was making Russia so dangerous and awful. I am furious beyond belief that the lawmakers have done this to my country. Augh!!!!

  3. Hey lil Marco, you traitorous little prick! I bet you throw up just a little bit when you see yourself in the mirror every morning. It must really suck knowing deep down that you’re not worth a damn to anyone except illegals, and those that benefit from people like you that will sell out our country for a few bucks.

  4. I am willing to go on the record saying that by the time all of this shakes out that it will come out that eRepublicans were involved in this too. I firmly believe that this Ryan prick has frequently worked behind the scenes to dry shave the Constitutional conservatives who make up the Republican base.

    This tyranny by the deep state is part of an an overall effort by the progressive movement to empower the State and the eRepublicans play a vital part in the effort.

    I don’t trust this Ryan son of a bitch, I never have.

  5. I see the little bitch is still mad that POTUS made him look like the pile of shite that he is. He and his pals Graham and Mctraitor should all get a room together… In Leavenworth.

  6. I hope that some day soon Rubio, who tries to pass himself off as my senator, becomes gainfully employed in a job more befitting his character and talents. Something like the guy who scrapes used chewing gum off the carpet and the seat bottoms in a strip mall movie theater.

  7. Of course, little Marco. Protect your liberal buddies. If it were a conservative like Mike Lee or Ted Cruz who’d had contact with a Russian lobbyist Marco would hang them out to dry.

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