Marco Rubio Skips Senate Omnibus Vote – IOTW Report

Marco Rubio Skips Senate Omnibus Vote

Breitbart: Republican establishment frontrunner Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) skipped Friday’s Senate vote on the massive omnibus spending bill.

marco rubio and gang

Rubio, who routinely misses votes during his presidential campaign, now does not have to shoulder any criticism related to taking a position on the controversial spending package.



9 Comments on Marco Rubio Skips Senate Omnibus Vote

  1. Amnesty Clown actually said, by not voting at all it was a vote against the bill

    …..,No, Dipwad……It’s Not!!!

    it’s so you can try to have it both ways on the Campaign Trail…… coward

  2. Actually Marco, this is a vote of present, much like another former Senator we all know was famous for. But who am I to condemn it as a bad strategy, he did get 100% of the vote with 110% turnout in some precincts in his last election.

  3. “…the Rubio camp defended the senator’s decision to skip the vote, saying the candidate needed more time to review the legislation…”(Daily Caller). I thought his lips moved when he was reading! So much for being able to assemble staff and advisors to assist him in making time critical decisions affecting this Nation much less having the courage to act decisively on anything.

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