Marco Rubio Will Fight Trump Declaring National Emergency for Border Wall – IOTW Report

Marco Rubio Will Fight Trump Declaring National Emergency for Border Wall

I know. You’re all surprised, right?

Phone #: (202) 224-3041

Mailing Address: 284 Russell Senate Office Building Washington DC 20510


twitter:  [He tweets en Espanol, too!]


31 Comments on Marco Rubio Will Fight Trump Declaring National Emergency for Border Wall

  1. Oh, btw, both the house and the senate have to agree, in votes, to stop Trump. And even if they did, Trump can veto it.
    Marco is just trying to save face with the democrat latino lobby and channel McCain.

  2. You’d think anyone signing up to go to battle would wear the uniform that would designate their chosen preference.
    Rubio and many others seem to prefer gorilla warfare where they can side with whatever force best suits their needs at the time.

  3. Marco the “rube” again siding with democrats and the minority of the American people. It appears he is vying for McCain’s lofty position as a cowardly obstructionist.

  4. …where was Rubio when Obama ended CUBAN immigration because he didn’t want non-White people who had actually ESCAPED Communism screwing up his narrative? You know, the program that got his PARENTS here?

    …It’s only bad if President Trump does it, you see…


    Election time they sound good, but when Trump actually does what they campaigned on, they do everything they can to stop it.

  6. …Rubio only won because the Dems split the vote last time, plus he got some sympathy vote for his father dying during the campaign, and he knows it. He covers this himself in his book, “Un Hijo Americano” (there is an English version, but he’s a bit more honest in Spanish).

    Because he won’t have 2 liberals fighting and another dying father next time, his only shot will be to move further and further left the closer it gets to election time, so look for more and worse attacks on the President to come.

    …of course, he’s still pissed about his “little hands”, too, so it IS personal for him as well…hell hath no fury like a Republican candidate scorned, as Songbird McCain could tell you if the devil lets him take breaks for séances…

  7. I repeat: The fukkin RINOs had TWO FUCKING YEARS to vote on this (and to rid us of ObolaCare) and chose to sit on each others’ thumbs.

    Where were ya, L’il Marco?

    You really can’t blame the Demonrats for fingering their assholes in public over the “Republicans” complete and utter failures and their mindless opposition to President Trump.

    But Marco, really?
    Where were you when something positive could have easily been done?

    izlamo delenda est …


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