Marco Rubio’s Immigration Dilemma – IOTW Report

Marco Rubio’s Immigration Dilemma

Can he persuade conservatives that his immigration bill is really a reform?

marco rubio and gang

NRO: What would a President Marco Rubio do about immigration? To attempt to answer this question, let us review the past, analyze the present, and prognosticate about the future. The core framework of the Schumer–Rubio immigration bill (S-744) of 2013 was first developed in the failed Kennedy–McCain legislation of 2005. For example, on amnesty, Kennedy–McCain proposed an immediate “Z visa” for illegal immigrants, while Schumer–Rubio granted immediate “provisional” status. Although technically on “probation,” the illegal immigrants were essentially granted immediate amnesty under both bills (including work permits and Social Security cards) before any guarantee of border security was put in place.

Chris Crane, the head of the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) union, told Breitbart News that Schumer–Rubio was actually “weaker” than current law.

6 Comments on Marco Rubio’s Immigration Dilemma

  1. I don’t trust anything he says. I do not like him, He talks out of both sides of his mouth. I will not vote for him. Trump IMHO address the situation and what he’s going to do about it. I believe Trump.

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