Maria Bartiromo and Gowdy discuss Guns, FBI transcripts and how McConnell and Burr screwed over Ratcliff – IOTW Report

Maria Bartiromo and Gowdy discuss Guns, FBI transcripts and how McConnell and Burr screwed over Ratcliff


Whooo doggies, Maria Bartiromo outdid herself this morning with an interview segment just packed with information, insight and discussion into the DOJ and FBI corruption and DNI Ratcliffe’s nomination. (h/t Michael Sheridan)  

After the first segment on the El Paso and Dayton shootings, Ms. Bartiromo segued into a discussion of George Papadopoulos and the secret informant transcripts; from recordings that were part of the FBI sting operation using U.S. intelligence asset Stefan Halper; and are now being held in evidence by U.S. Attorney John Durham and Inspector General Michael Horowitz. [Background] Keep in mind Gowdy has seen these transcripts.

According to Bartiromo those transcripts include FBI wire-taps of Halper attempting to get Papadopulos to accept assistance from Russia (delivering Clinton emails), and George Papadopoulos absolutely refusing to accept any engagement therein.  Confirming that outline, Gowdy notes there are more recordings (and transcripts) of a similar nature, where the FBI was attempting to bait other Trump campaign officials.

Additionally, Bartiromo confirms that Senate Intelligence Committee Chairman Richard Burr and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell refused to meet with DNI nominee John Ratcliffe after his nomination; and exactly as we suspected it was the lack of support from the SSCI and McConnell that led to his nomination withdrawal. Stunning interview.

h/t Forcibly Deranged.

12 Comments on Maria Bartiromo and Gowdy discuss Guns, FBI transcripts and how McConnell and Burr screwed over Ratcliff

  1. When the gun grabbers come just keep in mind we’ll directly target the lawmakers not the shlubs out door to door trying to collect them. You politirats won’t get a pass on this one.

  2. @gin blossom – Listening to Hair Gowdy last night admitting that he’d gladly give up his rights in order to stop murderers with guns was fairly disturbing to me, too. Although he did try to insist on being shown the efficacy of any new victim disarmament laws, he wasn’t nearly as forceful about that as about wanting safety.

    The rest of Bartiromo’s segment with him was good, but that first part left an unpleasant taste in my mouth.

    edit: Ever read Unintended Consequences by John Ross? Recommended, but it sounds as though you have already read it.

  3. @ Uncle Al

    He also said something else I found interesting. He claimed he was against Ratcliff “until he got to know him” then changed his mind. Prejudging him wasn’t something that showed much character from Gowdy and to no surprise he’s maintained that flaw.

  4. Radcliff is more valuable where he is. Trump is no fool.
    He’s a patriot and so is Radcliff.
    Phuck Goudy, he has pissed me off. Talk, talk, talk, and more fucking talk. Phuck Off!


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