Mariah Carey: Russians Hacked My Performance – IOTW Report

Mariah Carey: Russians Hacked My Performance


NEW YORK (World News Bureau) – Mariah Carey’s New Year’s eve performance was marred by mysterious technological failures that the singer believes were caused by Russian hacking.

During Carey’s performance, the music tracks played, punctuated by pre-recorded “dog whistle” passages she’s famous for, as her dancers went through their routine in the background. The plus-sized Carey, looking for all the world like an overstuffed gold lame’ sausage, plodded around the stage complaining about the production and occasionally warbling a disjointed note or two, before finally exiting in a huff.

Later… more here

22 Comments on Mariah Carey: Russians Hacked My Performance

  1. My friend Jimmy is not only gay but a big Carey fan, his friends are too.(fans and gay)
    Don’t know why.
    This may have crushed the Hell out of them.
    I bet they cried.

  2. She looks like she’s put on a few pounds. Can’t stand her screaming – drive me crazy. I did watch the video, they didn’t checkout the sound before performing. It’s easier to place blame others than yourself.

  3. This is the new norm for these snow flakes. Now they get millions and within 20 mins of the start of the concert have a melt down, rant for 30 min about snow flake stuff, and walk off stage. They’re now competing with each other to see who can be the biggest asshole in a live stream event and then talk shit about some imaginary butt hurt feelings they have. Then they go onto social media and pat themselves on the back and start a twitter war through their fanatics who have the IQ of a rock. Meh.

  4. Her song writers must be the same set of people who wrote Obama’s autobiographies. And she’s not plus-sized, she’s equal with Michelle on the top 1 most beautiful people in the universe.

  5. Don’t understand why Mariah is still relevant enough to be performing on NYE.

    My favorite quote from the article:

    Dick Clark Productions has firmly denied any culpability and when asked if they played a part, a Russian spokesman replied, “Ms. Carey has never needed help screwing up a song.”


  6. Wonder what her Agent would actually Pay to Play at the inauguration?

    Pssstt: Anyone wanna buy a tickets to see her duet with a Solo Rockette Lip Syncing “We Belong Together”.

  7. I brought up the subject this morning at work by mentioning
    a short dumpy woman in a see through onesie with a cameltoe and flat
    boobs that couldn’t sing. They immediately responded with Mariah? WE
    LOVE Mariah!

    I immediately responded, name one song of hers, nobody could
    answer me.


  8. Her dancers could hear well enough to know when to execute their moves but she had no idea what track they were playing. The monitor on stage may not have been as good as the monitor in her ear but until ear monitors became available about a decade ago all acts performed with stage monitors. Most – other than the stars – still do – including the international acts I general manage.

    Mariah Carey didn’t show up for sound check and didn’t rehearse. She got caught.

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