Marianne Williamson Drops Out  – IOTW Report

Marianne Williamson Drops Out 


“And so today, even though it is time to suspend my campaign for the presidency I do want to see the beauty and I want all of you incredibly supported me on this journey, as donors, as supporters, as team and as volunteers, to see the beauty too.”

8 Comments on Marianne Williamson Drops Out 

  1. Oh, she said she was on as “journey”. Yeah, I bet – all the way to Pluto and beyond.

    BTW, “journey” is another word that should be shit-canned. Way overused, usually by imbeciles.

  2. I was gonna run for President,
    But then I got high,
    I was gonna sell excrement,
    But then I got high.
    Now I’m in the Big Tent,
    Because I got high, because I got high, because I got high…


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