Marianne Williamson endorses Nancy Pelosi’s challenger – IOTW Report

Marianne Williamson endorses Nancy Pelosi’s challenger

Pelosi isn’t far Left enough for Unicorn Sparklepants.


“I am a lifelong Democrat who has become very, very concerned with the corporatist direction of the party in too many cases. And I admit my own experience in the presidential campaign showed me how the control of certain forces at the expense of progressive voices is a direction that is taking the Democratic Party away from the principles on which I was always raised to believe it stands,” she said.

“And so, in this election, I feel that we need to do everything possible to make a strong stand for those of us who have been Democrats, for those of us who are Democrats. We need to take a strong stand for the progressive vision that many of us feel is absolutely essential. Not only for the future our country but also for this next election,” she added. “As a consequence, I am now endorsing Shahid Buttar.” more

13 Comments on Marianne Williamson endorses Nancy Pelosi’s challenger

  1. We have a representative government, Marianne.

    Those who put up the money are the ones represented. That’s how we designed our system.

    This is America, get used to it.

  2. While I fervently want the Dems to lose control of the House in the Nov. elections, if I were to be focused solely on Rancid Nan nothing would be more delicious than for the Dems to keep the House but Pelosi to lose her seat. If that happens, as a memento somebody ought to present that big gavel to her in a way that would require surgery to put it on display.

  3. Just try to visualize this lunatic getting past the Secret Service and onto a stage with President John F. Kennedy. The Democrat Party has descended a very long way since his time in office. Now, anyone can run for high office in this political party, even a mentally diminished perverted man with a teleprompter for a brain.

  4. “… the principles on which I was always raised to believe it stands …”

    Does this declaration make any sense?
    I know she’s trying to make it sound as if the Demonrats have always been National Socialists (Nazi, as opposed to Inter-National Socialists (Soviet) or Fascist (Italian)) but the Demonrats have, over the years, oscillated between Nazi-ism and genuine populism. Harry Truman, John Kennedy, and Dan Moynihan would (probably) no longer be welcome in the Demonrat Party. Hell, I’d bet that anyone holding Tip O’Neill’s political positions would be reviled!

    So, why do they always pretend to be something other than what they are?

    I know Williamson is a Space Cadet who wouldn’t be entirely aware when they put her into the oven, but she’d burn, nonetheless.

    Say what you mean: Mean what you say.
    You’d be pleasantly surprised at how many jack-booted assholes will give you a loud “Sieg Heil!” (Hail Victory!)

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. She won’t admit she is the Communist her statement proves she is.
    “I am a lifelong Democrat who has become very, very concerned with the corporatist direction of the party in too many cases.”

  6. MJA, may I humbly suggest that you start making her eyes look more like the size of those on a fly? It would be appropriate. Little cognition, lots of annoying noise…


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