Marianne Williamson Says Rivals Behind Her ‘Crystal Lady’ Image, But Her Tweets Hint Otherwise – IOTW Report

Marianne Williamson Says Rivals Behind Her ‘Crystal Lady’ Image, But Her Tweets Hint Otherwise

Visualize the oil spill plugged. Close your eyes for 5 minutes and see angels coming over it, filling it with sane and sacred thoughts. #fb

— Marianne Williamson (@marwilliamson) May 30, 2010

Yeah, you’re totally not a new-age gal. lol.

13 Comments on Marianne Williamson Says Rivals Behind Her ‘Crystal Lady’ Image, But Her Tweets Hint Otherwise

  1. she doesnt wear a pointy hat and ride a broom (that we know of), but its not new. Its been around for thousands of years and its still wrong. This is just a re-incarnation of it.

  2. gotta luv Marianne’s ‘positive vibe’ schtick …
    ‘imagine the power of our positive vibes coming back to us as cosmiclitical powerfulness, & empowering the universe to correct it’s negative rotations & vibrations into a cosmic correction of positive vibes which will shrink the down-twinkles of black holes & eject the negativity gained through previously swallowed positiveness of innocent star systems … think of the things we mere mortals can accomplish through possitivitieness & like other stuff like that … blows my mind!’

    if I were to wear a poncho & smoke a small cigar, while having a 3-day stubble, I think I could bop this chick …
    (with the ‘Good, Bad & Ugly’ theme song going off in the background)

    … the kick is up … it’s straight … it’s good! … SCORE!

  3. “That’s a 6-point field goal attempt, ΜΟΛΩΝ. It’s her latest rule change for the NFL for kicks beyond 50 yards.”

    “Oh, wait. FLAG! Too many candidates on the field. She’ll try again, ΜΟΛΩΝ, from 60 yards this time.”

    “And the kick is up… it’s good!”

    “Wait! Another FLAG! Personal foul! The Candidate stunk-up the field and caused a false start! People are gagging down there!”

    “And now, this time from the 65 yard line, ladies and gentlemen…”

    “The kick is up… it’s hooking LEFT…”

    “…and she missed it! It must have been those crystals, ΜΟΛΩΝ. They let her down again!”

    “Yeah, that’s what happens when you smoke ’em, Jimmy.”

  4. Jimmy, have you ever done stand-up? If not, you should. I had tears from laughing streaming down my face at your blow-by-blow!

    F.D.R. in Hell, she doesn’t worship Moloch because she is his twin. He gets them by evil and she gets them with fake spirituality. The results are the same.

    I had to read Carlos Castaneda in college. She makes as much sense.

    Different Tim, I like where you are going with this!

  5. No, Claudia, you don’t ever want to put a mic in my hands! Besides, the inspiration here was ΜΟΛΩΝ with his 6″ ‘straight’ field goal after his rendition of her positive vibe schtick.


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