Maricopa County Attorney Caught On Camera Over “Canceled” Ballots: “I Don’t Give a F***” – IOTW Report

Maricopa County Attorney Caught On Camera Over “Canceled” Ballots: “I Don’t Give a F***”

Envolve: They’re not even trying to hide it anymore. The people in Maricopa appear to be either incompetent or much worse.

A lawyer for Maricopa County was caught speaking with a Kari Lake volunteer.

You see, the Lake campaign is collecting data on all ballots that were “canceled” due to the voting machine malfunctions on election day.

Keep in mind that the voting machines worked throughout all of early voting.
Then on election day itself, when most Republicans turn out to vote, 48% of the machines had problems. So what did the lawyer for Maricopa say?

17 Comments on Maricopa County Attorney Caught On Camera Over “Canceled” Ballots: “I Don’t Give a F***”

  1. The Republican establishment is going to get schooled in how to deal with this shit. Lake and Trump are going to take what the Democrats and Republican establishment have done in this race and shove it back down their throats.

  2. Daniel> the machines were NOT working correctly. It’s already been established that there were all kinds of mechanical issues. It’s a little too late to use that claim. This situation is just another reason to scrap the system in use now and follow the lead from western European nations to go back to paper ballots and NO mail in voting. Our present system of voting is open to technical failures and human error. (Which is a nice way of saying “manipulation”). We should also make ballot harvesting illegal as well as punishable by law.

  3. @ xsnake NOVEMBER 20, 2022 AT 10:15 AM

    Establishment Republicans don’t just allow Democrats, they collude with their friends across the aisle against the interests of the American people. .

  4. Broken malfunctioning voting machines prove it. Paper ballots can be forged too, no mail in ballots thats NUTS! Paper ballots would take forever to tabulate.
    This is the same damn crap everytime. They will use every & any excuse in the book. In reality they are just cry baby sore losers.

  5. Daniel/Herbert (same person): “ ballots would take forever to tabulate.” You are an idiot, troll. Back before you were born, ALL ballots were paper, and voting was done in-person, by registered voters, after showing photo ID. Polls closed at 8pm. Results were tabulated usually before midnight, but always by the next morning. Now go away.


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