Marijuana Edibles: States Bite Off More Than They Can Chew – IOTW Report

Marijuana Edibles: States Bite Off More Than They Can Chew

Colorado is not fully protecting its kids from pot, say experts

LZ: Just a tiny amount of a marijuana edible may put someone over a level considered “safe.” Check out this news story.


Colorado Gov. John Hickenlooper continues to warn his counterparts in other pro-marijuana states that there are problems — especially with edibles. He’s talked repeatedly about the topic over the past year but he specifically addressed his fellow governors this past week in California at a Western Governor’s Association conference.

“We didn’t regulate edibles strongly enough at first,” Hickenlooper said, as the Los Angeles Times reported.

Hickenlooper was never a supporter of recreational marijuana in Colorado, but he said his state has seen a rise in the number of children hospitalized from eating marijuana products.

Many products have been marketed to look just like regular candy and food — which means children have ingested them unknowingly and without thinking they’re a big deal. But the edibles have landed a growing number of kids in the hospital — and even in treatment for early addiction and mental health issues.  more

16 Comments on Marijuana Edibles: States Bite Off More Than They Can Chew

  1. You can OD on absolutely any thing. If little Tommy ends up in the hospital because he ate your marijuana brownie it’s no different than if he’s there because he shot himself with your gun. It isn’t the marijuana or the gun’s fault, it’s the fault of lousy fucking parents.

  2. Eating marijuana changes the way the cannibanoids are absorbed into the system.
    Stronger effects and longer duration are the rule.
    Dumb-ass parents need to wake the hell up, and keep that crap locked up.
    Medical Marijuana helps Lazlo’s wife. She has many injuries.
    But when we have those rotten grand children around we go through the house and all that crap gets locked up in one of those things you lock up your lunch in in the corporate fridge.
    Marijuana does amazing things.
    But so does a fookin Bowie Knife.
    Parents need to take charge of this medicine, lest through being stoner assholes, they lose a beneficial treatment.

  3. I saw first hand how insidious this candy crap is when I lived in CO. Young adults & children eat this stuff and are high all day long without any of the tell tales signs of smoking.

    Funny how it’s legalized, taxed and then the tax money is used to warn people about it. Lord. I was just back a few weeks ago and the state is already addicted to this new revenue stream yet it’s causing a huge increase of health services.

  4. eating MJ is also a little riskier than smoking it because the effects take like a half hour or more to kick in. People take a bite of that weed cookie, feel nothing even 10 minutes later, then end up eating the whole thing and then tripping balls 45 minutes later because they’ve never used MJ before and they just took WAAAAY too much.

    Part of the issue is that the weed store employees have no idea of the experience level of the person walking up to the counter – unless the person asks. Better communication is key.

    I’ve never used MJ before either but if I was president I would legalize it and treat it like alcohol.

  5. You can’t stop people from being stupid.
    You can’t stop them from being shitty parents.

    They have chosen to used dope and let their kids use dope.
    THEY must be made to live with the consequences.

    There is no reason, Constitutionally or morally, why anyone else should have to suffer the consequences of their shitty decisions.

    THAT’S the essence of FREEDOM.
    THAT’S the essence of LIBERTY.

    Do whatever you like – just accept responsibility.

    izlamo delenda est …

  6. A couple years ago a friend and I delivered a commercial stove to a town just north of Boulder. We had assumed it was a restaurant until we got to the address which was in an industrial park. Turns out it was a factory that made marijuana edibles. (We should have known – – the place was called MOUNTAIN HIGH!) We were given a tour and saw lots of Rube Goldberg equipment. It was very scientific. In the last room there were a bunch of young spaced-out hippie looking dudes packing the stuff up by hand. There we were offered a tray of gummy worms. “Go on – – take a handful.” We declined. It was quite the experience especially for my friend, a devout Mormon, who now has an adventuresome tale to tell.

  7. @Tim,
    Law enforcement in Wyoming made an announcement that although marijuana is legal in neighboring CO, if you cross the border and use it, possess it, or sell it, you’ll be arrested. hee,hee

  8. I absolutely despise marijuana. It’s a drug that makes people worthless. I understand that terminal cancer patients and other benefit from it. But the “legalize it” people don’t care about actual medical needs. They just want to further dumb down our society. Opium absolutely destroyed China and now the same thing is happening to our country via prescription meds, alcohol and weed. I’m not saying there’s anything we can do about it. I just hate the crap and I can’t stand when people act like it’s good for society.

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